One of the biggest contributors to our poor state of health these days is sugar. That’s not to say our bodies don’t need sugar – they do, just as we need salt, fats, carbs, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The key is to get all of this in a BALANCE that is best for how our body functions.
Studies show that the average North American intake of refined sugar is somewhere between 15 tsps (60 g) and 25 tsps (100 g) a DAY or 120 lbs a year! Keep in mind that is only sugar we get from processed and fast foods. It doesn’t include naturally-occurring sugars from wholesome foods . To maintain good health we should try and stay under about 40 grams of refined sugar intake per day. Less than that is even better. And don't make the mistake that many people do by thinking that artificial sweetners are better for you because they absolutely ARE NOT unless they are from a naturally-occurring source like stevia, xylitol or agave.
Too much sugar in our bloodstream or sugar overload can cause sinus congestion, frequent colds, migraines, asthma, backaches, hypoglycemia, sleepiness, bloating, immune system dysfunction, indigestion, loss of short-term memory, water retention and yeast infections, to name a few. And if that isn’t enough, sugar is empty calories meaning it has absolutely no nutrient value. None of us would knowingly eat 120 lbs of extra sugar a year, would we? I don't think so. The problem is we don’t realize that a lot of what we’re eating has high amounts of sugar. It’s time we found out.
I bring up this topic because since I’ve learned this I’ve started reading food labels to keep track of how much extra sugar I’m getting each day and it has astounded me! I’m not one who craves sweets and I’m trying to eat healthier these days but I am blown away by how much sugar I’m getting from foods I never would have suspected. Let me give you some examples:
- Honey Nut Cheerios: 9 g/serving
- Flavored yogurt: approx 10 g/100 grams *depending on brand and flavor
- Whole kernel corn, canned,: 5 g/ 1/3 cup
- Tomato soup: 13 g/1/2 cup
- Quaker Instant Oatmeal: 13 g/1 packet
- Ketchup: 4 g/tbsp
- Wheat Thin crackers: 4 g/serving
See how fast seemingly “healthy” food adds up? Now let’s look at an example of what a teenager might eat for, say, breakfast and lunch:
- 1 bowl of Frosted Flakes: 13 g
- ½ c. 1% milk: 6 g.
- Big Mac: 9 g
- Medium Coke: 56 g !!
This kid is already at 84 grams of sugar and it's only lunch time! Is it any wonder today’s kids are overweight, diabetic and being diagnosed with ADHD? As adults let’s set good examples and try to provide children with healthier choices just by being “informed consumers”. Teach kids to read labels and make a game of keeping track of the sugar (and fat and sodium) they might be getting by making certain choices. If we make them more aware at a young age they will, at least, be armed with knowledge to make that choice. As it is now, they assume (as I did) that what we’re feeding them or what they’re choosing to eat must be good for them because, after all, it’s “food”.
Just for the heck of it, track how much sugar you’re eating on an average day. I think you will be surprised. Read the labels of everything, even things that aren’t sweet just to see how many empty calories you might be getting. And if you have some of the symptoms of the health problems previously listed, maybe try to cut back on your sugar intake or ever quit sugar completely for a day or 2 and see if you feel any better. If you notice a difference that might be the clue you need to get on the road to improving your health.

"Health" is so much more than visiting your doctor when you don't feel good. True health is achieved through "wellness"....of the body, mind and achieve balance on all levels and to do so in a way that honors WHO you are. We are a part of Nature and, as such, should look to Nature for our wellness.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Go Inside and Listen
How many of us are actually "aware" when we're eating of how WHAT we're eating may be affecting us? Certain types of foods work better for one person than for another depending on our unique metabolic type. Even when we think we're eating a healthy diet - the good old "meat & potatoes" that we were raised on - it may not be the best fuel for our particular needs. That's why holistic nutritionists don't usually follow the "Food Guides" - these guides are very general and, quite often, are completely wrong for some metabolic types.
I've been changing the way I eat over the past several months and it's been a real eye-opener. I've always been drawn to starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and now I'm much more conscious of what's going into my mouth, how my body uses it and why my body needs it so, while I still eat those starchy foods, I do so very rarely and in much smaller portions. I find I feel better when I eat more salads, vegetables and fruits and, as someone who never used to eat breakfast, I make sure I always have a smoothie in the morning with protein powder, fruits and plain yogurt. I don't have the highs and lows during the day that I used to have - where I'd be starving by lunch and then tired and sluggish after lunch. What I find so interesting now, is that instead of just "eating to eat", I now think about what I've already eaten and what else my body might need to get the proper balance of nutrients for the day. And, as I'm learning in my nutritional course, that balance can make all the difference between being healthy and being chronically ill. People really do have the power to be healthier and happier if they just start to pay attention to what their body is telling them. If you are constantly tired, achey, depressed, get headaches often, have high blood pressure or have an inflammatory ailment like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue your body is sending you messages that you should listen to. By all means, a visit to your doctor for a checkup is suggested but, while you're waiting to get in to see the doc, try changing the way you eat - even little changes could positively affect how you're feeling. I suggest printing out the Daily Food Plan:
and fill it out for a few days. You may be surprised to see a pattern emerging as you track what you're eating and how you feel after you eat. Again, it's all about being more self-aware.
If you want to find out what metabolic "type" you are, take the following test. Pretty interesting.
It's FREE to take, you just have to subscribe to the Mercola newsletter (also free!).
Of course, as added "insurance" that I'm getting all of the required vitamins and minerals I need I always take my ForeverGreen products - they just make everything better!
Until next time, take care!
"Big opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day."
I've been changing the way I eat over the past several months and it's been a real eye-opener. I've always been drawn to starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and now I'm much more conscious of what's going into my mouth, how my body uses it and why my body needs it so, while I still eat those starchy foods, I do so very rarely and in much smaller portions. I find I feel better when I eat more salads, vegetables and fruits and, as someone who never used to eat breakfast, I make sure I always have a smoothie in the morning with protein powder, fruits and plain yogurt. I don't have the highs and lows during the day that I used to have - where I'd be starving by lunch and then tired and sluggish after lunch. What I find so interesting now, is that instead of just "eating to eat", I now think about what I've already eaten and what else my body might need to get the proper balance of nutrients for the day. And, as I'm learning in my nutritional course, that balance can make all the difference between being healthy and being chronically ill. People really do have the power to be healthier and happier if they just start to pay attention to what their body is telling them. If you are constantly tired, achey, depressed, get headaches often, have high blood pressure or have an inflammatory ailment like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue your body is sending you messages that you should listen to. By all means, a visit to your doctor for a checkup is suggested but, while you're waiting to get in to see the doc, try changing the way you eat - even little changes could positively affect how you're feeling. I suggest printing out the Daily Food Plan:
and fill it out for a few days. You may be surprised to see a pattern emerging as you track what you're eating and how you feel after you eat. Again, it's all about being more self-aware.
If you want to find out what metabolic "type" you are, take the following test. Pretty interesting.
It's FREE to take, you just have to subscribe to the Mercola newsletter (also free!).
Of course, as added "insurance" that I'm getting all of the required vitamins and minerals I need I always take my ForeverGreen products - they just make everything better!
Until next time, take care!
"Big opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Statin Drugs - Not the "Saviour" We Thought?
If you or anyone you know is currently taking a statin drug for high cholesterol (Crestor, Lipitor) PLEASE read this article from Dr. Mercola.
Once again, evidence is emerging that these drugs may not help you and could possibly be causing more harm than good. And, again, it keeps coming back to the importance of JUST EATING PROPERLY! Our bodies are made to function perfectly IF GIVEN THE PROPER FUEL! Prescription drugs do nothing more than mask symptoms, disrupt the way the systems in the body work and make pharmaceutical companies and doctors RICH!
Let's get rid of the "lemming mentality"** and start thinking for ourselves and listening to what our body is trying to tell us.
**a member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to destruction for all of them
Once again, evidence is emerging that these drugs may not help you and could possibly be causing more harm than good. And, again, it keeps coming back to the importance of JUST EATING PROPERLY! Our bodies are made to function perfectly IF GIVEN THE PROPER FUEL! Prescription drugs do nothing more than mask symptoms, disrupt the way the systems in the body work and make pharmaceutical companies and doctors RICH!
Let's get rid of the "lemming mentality"** and start thinking for ourselves and listening to what our body is trying to tell us.
**a member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to destruction for all of them
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vitamin "L" - Are You Getting/Giving Enough?
I just completed my lesson on Vitamins in my Holistic Nutritionist course and wanted to pass on what I learned about Vitamin "L" because, first of all, it made me smile and secondly, it made sense and I can totally understand why this "vitamin" is so important. Sadly, many people are lacking this essential "nutrient".
Vitamin "L" is absolutely necessary for optimal functioning of people, their cells, tissues and organs and is used to heal/prevent a wide variety of diseases. Fear, anger, worry and self-concern and many other emotions can destroy Vitamin "L". It is very important to heart function and the circulation of warmth and joy.
Vitamin "L" is found easily in Moms & Dads and is highly concentrated in Grandparents. :) It's also found in cats and dogs and other pets; in the beauty of nature and in home-cooked meals. Infants and small children require fairly large doses but every living person cannot function properly without it.
Symptoms of Vitamin "L" deficiency include fatigue, muscle tension, increased stress, stomach upset and relationship problems. Vitamin "L" is also the only vitamin that can be transferred to others and improve their lives as well. The whole body works better when there is plenty of "LOVE". A minimum of 4 hugs a day will help prevent Vitamin "L" deficiency; 6 hugs a day for maintenance and 10 hugs a day for growth.
I just had to share this because holistic practitioners believe that in order for the body to function properly and heal itself, one must have optimum performance in the "whole" person - body, mind and soul - because they are all linked and a deficiency in one area will affect all areas. Make sense? It sure does to me! Until next time.....
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come but small ones surround us every day" Sally Koch
Vitamin "L" is absolutely necessary for optimal functioning of people, their cells, tissues and organs and is used to heal/prevent a wide variety of diseases. Fear, anger, worry and self-concern and many other emotions can destroy Vitamin "L". It is very important to heart function and the circulation of warmth and joy.
Vitamin "L" is found easily in Moms & Dads and is highly concentrated in Grandparents. :) It's also found in cats and dogs and other pets; in the beauty of nature and in home-cooked meals. Infants and small children require fairly large doses but every living person cannot function properly without it.
Symptoms of Vitamin "L" deficiency include fatigue, muscle tension, increased stress, stomach upset and relationship problems. Vitamin "L" is also the only vitamin that can be transferred to others and improve their lives as well. The whole body works better when there is plenty of "LOVE". A minimum of 4 hugs a day will help prevent Vitamin "L" deficiency; 6 hugs a day for maintenance and 10 hugs a day for growth.
I just had to share this because holistic practitioners believe that in order for the body to function properly and heal itself, one must have optimum performance in the "whole" person - body, mind and soul - because they are all linked and a deficiency in one area will affect all areas. Make sense? It sure does to me! Until next time.....
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come but small ones surround us every day" Sally Koch
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