Really?? This is the answer to our health problems? Stock up on Life Insurance because, buddy, you’re going to need it sooner rather than later…..don’t worry about getting healthier, just call us and we’ll make sure that when you die prematurely your family will be taken care of. What really angers me is that this message probably appeals to a certain percentage of the population that don't see any light at the end of their tunnels.

I get it that change isn’t easy…it isn’t. But to think you have no options other than to buy more Life Insurance is brutal. Throwing out the processed junk food in your pantry isn’t that hard. NOT eating at the fast-food drive thru three times a day isn’t a stretch either. Filling your grocery cart with REAL food like fresh vegetables and fruits takes a bit of getting used to but it’s doable. Making the choice that everything you put in your mouth will have nutritional “value” takes practice but becomes easy after a while. Those are all alternatives to just shelling out some money for more life insurance. And the best part…’ll actually start to FEEL better and add years to your life. Don’t let some advertisement reinforce your sense of failure. It’s never too late to make positive changes and they don’t cost you a DIME! Ya, we’re all going to die someday and maybe having that Life Insurance is a great idea but don’t get sucked into thinking that’s the ONLY option left for you.

Life is nothing more than choices – we make them everyday – some are easy, some are hard, some are good choices while others are ones we regret but, guess what? Tomorrow you’ll get up and do it all over again. You can CHOOSE to be that chubby, unhealthy schmuck (his words) the radio announcer is trying to sell Life Insurance to OR you can take control of the life you have while you’re on this side of the dirt and maybe, just maybe, it will all turn out to be so much better than that guy on the radio led you to believe.
And that, my friends, is my "Food for Thought" today. Thanks for letting me rant.
Yours in Health & Happiness.

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