Saturday, February 27, 2010

Changing How We Think

I'm sure you've all heard "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten" and "If "wishes" and "buts" were clusters of nuts we'd all have a bowl of granola". Catchy little saying, aren't they? They also are perfect for describing the biggest obstacles in our quest for self-improvement - ourselves.
When people want to lose weight, want to change jobs, want more money or want better relationships they generally set themselves up to fail because they want these things to happen without venturing out of their comfort zone. They will pay big money to gyms and to weight loss companies looking for instant results but won't quit drinking beer or eating dessert; won't be consistent in going for their workouts. When they want to change jobs they're too afraid to apply for other jobs or won't take the courses that may help them get a better position and a raise at the company they currently work for.
When I hear someone say, "I've tried everything but nothing works...." or "I wish I could make more money..." I am reminded of those two little quotes. Sadly, I've done it myself - we all do it because we ALL "like" comfort zones; we "like" to take the easy road; we "deserve" to enjoy the little things in life like a beer or dessert or a cigarette. And if those things are what you truly enjoy then do them but don't feel guilty about it and don't "wish" for things to change.
I think it's a shame that many of us forget that we've been blessed with only ONE life and we get caught up in just making it from day to day and never really finding out what we're all really capable of - what our potential is.

Change can only come from within and that's why we fail. When someone signs up with a Weight Loss clinic they've taken the first step but when they realize that it's not just about taking supplements or eating less but more about changing their lifestyle and the way they think and the way they've always done things that's when they begin to fail because they don't want to change - they want the supplements to work their magic and do it for them. They want the fact that they've spent a lot of money to be the guarantee of their success.

Every day is a new opportunity to improve ourselves, to achieve something, to do more than just "BE". And whether it's simply to take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and really notice it or to smile at someone and really notice them or to take the first step in moving from where you are in life to where you want to be, remember, it IS about stepping out of that comfort zone if only for a moment. Make a bucket list - change it or add to it and cross things off as you do them. It will give you such a great feeling to know that some of the things you've always wanted to do, you've actually done but don't sweat it if you don't get them all done. Life is a work in progress and not a straight line from here to there. Don't "just do what you've always done" and expect things to change. Change comes from you doing things differently so DO IT and enjoy the journey!

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