Just got back from Lethbridge. Wow, they have a lot of water laying around out there! My BPro Training went well. A couple more weeks and I'll be holding clinics in the Estevan area.
To recap what Digital Pulse Wave analysis is: a quick, non-invasive, affordable method for early detection of cardiovascular disease. In a matter of minutes, a Pulse Wave screening can measure the overall health of your cardiovascular system and determine if the heart and arteries are in the normal, borderline or abnormal range. Proven to be 99.8% accurate, the screening can often motivate a person to make appropriate changes in their lifestyle to help lower their risk of Cardiovascular disease.
I've also been doing a lot of reading as part of my Holistic Nutritionist course and a couple of books I have to recommend are: "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. Both books give startling evidence about the connection between nutrition and most degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's also a documentary coming out this summer called "Forks Over Knives" that's based on the China Study and it's going to be very controversial. To think that WHAT WE EAT could be the "cure" for the very diseases that are bankrupting our governments is NOT what big pharmaceutical companies want and, you can be sure, they will do everything they can to discount this compelling study! Yet many of us ARE starting to realize that each of us does indeed hold the key to our good health. These books show that changing our diets can actually reverse disease once we've got it! That's what I personally find so interesting and is the reason I'm taking this course and holding Pulse Wave screenings....to give people the knowledge they need ie. early detection and dietary changes to vastly change their health and enjoy quality of life without depending on drugs.
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of holistic and naturopathic doctors and practitioners. Things like Reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and holistic nutrition work on the assumption that our mind, body and spirit work best when they are in sync. Fascinating stuff! And what I find is that "it makes SENSE"!
To recap what Digital Pulse Wave analysis is: a quick, non-invasive, affordable method for early detection of cardiovascular disease. In a matter of minutes, a Pulse Wave screening can measure the overall health of your cardiovascular system and determine if the heart and arteries are in the normal, borderline or abnormal range. Proven to be 99.8% accurate, the screening can often motivate a person to make appropriate changes in their lifestyle to help lower their risk of Cardiovascular disease.
I've also been doing a lot of reading as part of my Holistic Nutritionist course and a couple of books I have to recommend are: "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. Both books give startling evidence about the connection between nutrition and most degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's also a documentary coming out this summer called "Forks Over Knives" that's based on the China Study and it's going to be very controversial. To think that WHAT WE EAT could be the "cure" for the very diseases that are bankrupting our governments is NOT what big pharmaceutical companies want and, you can be sure, they will do everything they can to discount this compelling study! Yet many of us ARE starting to realize that each of us does indeed hold the key to our good health. These books show that changing our diets can actually reverse disease once we've got it! That's what I personally find so interesting and is the reason I'm taking this course and holding Pulse Wave screenings....to give people the knowledge they need ie. early detection and dietary changes to vastly change their health and enjoy quality of life without depending on drugs.
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of holistic and naturopathic doctors and practitioners. Things like Reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and holistic nutrition work on the assumption that our mind, body and spirit work best when they are in sync. Fascinating stuff! And what I find is that "it makes SENSE"!
Anyway, check out this link: www.forksoverknives.com
and be sure and watch for it when it comes out.
Have a great weekend and try and stay dry!