Thursday, June 3, 2010

Courage to Choose Your "Road"

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost,"The Road Not Taken"

I remember learning this poem in elementary school and it has always struck a chord with me. Having the courage to choose the roads in your life that take you on YOUR journey will always bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment. It doesn't matter if not everyone is going down that road; you may find the road you choose is a bit bumpy and overgrown with obstacles; that other, smoother road may look a lot more inviting and easier to travel but if your heart's desire, your passion, is waiting at the end of that "less traveled" road it will all be worth it.

I am saying this because I am embarking on another "journey" that I'm very excited about. Over the past 10 months, because of my involvement with ForeverGreen and my consistent use of their products ( I have developed a passion for the science of nutrition and it is amazing to me how our bodies can be self-healing when they are fed proper nutrition. I have experienced this first-hand and have felt the results of how our body reacts when what goes into it is perfect food.

After my 28-Day Health Challenge (which ended today) I have NO MORE hot flashes; my skin is smoother and more elastic; I feel focused and positive; I have energy and just FEEL GOOD!

So, I am excited to say that I have enrolled with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I want to learn all I can about how proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy, happy, productive life and, more importantly, I want to help others experience improvements to their health that will change their lives in ways they can't even imagine. When you feel good, everything else in your life gets better!

I'm looking forward to stretching my mind - it's been a while since I've "hit the books" - but I'm so glad to be following MY road. It will be an adventure, I'm sure.

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