Do you realize how too much stress adversely effects your health? So much so that studies have shown that chronic stress causes 60% to 90% of ALL illnessess. We are one of the most stressed generations ever and a lot of it it self-induced! We have all of the conveniences one can imagine to make our life easier yet we're constantly running, hurrying, scheduling, multi-tasking, answering our cell phones (while driving), wolfing down fast-food, scheduling our days to squeeze in some "quality" time with the family and for what? To "get ahead"? To be "wealthy"? To have a bigger house? A bigger car? A bigger debt-load? Those things won't do us much good if we're not healthy enough or happy enough to enjoy them.
One thing I've noticed about getting "older" is that I have so much more patience with the little things that used to bother me like check-out lineups and traffic and waiting rooms. I've come to realize that the extra few minutes that I think I'm losing don't really amount to much in the big scheme of things. And it's so much fun to see other peoples' reactions when I step aside and let them go ahead of me or say "I'm in no rush - you go first." They usually aren't quite sure what to do at first....then they smile and thank me and, I like to hope, that I've lessened a tiny bit of the stress they may have been experiencing. It's become a game for me to see how many times a day I can "pay it forward" and it always makes me feel better.
Another thing I've come to realize - with personal development like losing weight, eating better or doing more physical activity - one must have patience. Things don't happen overnight. We have to remember that it has taken years for the BAD habits and damage to our bodies to develop and it's going to take time to make improvements and to see the results of your efforts. We have become such a "quick fix" society that we expect results NOW! We assume there must be a pill or something we can just take and it will make everything better - NOW! Sadly, that is why many people fail in their efforts to improve.
Over the past 20 days of participating in the 28-Day Health Challenge ( I have made sure to consistently take my whole food FrequenSea and, with each dose I felt good knowing I was putting the absolute best nutrition into my body. I didn't expect "miracles" on Day 1 but by Day 10 when my annoying hot flashes started to become less and less I knew something positive was happening. My body was responding to being fed properly. Now, on Day 20, my hot flashes are GONE! My skin looks and feels better. I feel clear-headed, focused and happy and, as a result, I have NO STRESS (or very little compared to how I used to feel) and, that in itself is probably doing as much for my good health as anything. I've also come to the realization that our body IS amazing because it really does have the ability to regenerate and heal itself if we give it the chance.
I can now say with confidence that if you're willing to follow this 28-Day Program you WILL experience improved health by giving your body a real chance to heal itself because I've experienced it first hand.
Do you have the patience to follow through for 28 days? Think about it. The rewards will be worth it in more ways than you can imagine. And, if you don't think you're ready for it yet, at least start reducing the stress in your life - let that person behind you in the check-out line go ahead of you and smile at that sales clerk who's having a bad day. Don't let stress continue to sabotage your health. :)
That's it for this week. Hope summer days are on the way! It's hard to be patient with this weather ;) Mary-Lou
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