Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 1 of 28 Day Health Challenge

Today I began the "Tom Harper 28-day Miracle" and will be taking 8 oz. of FrequenSea per day. With this program I'll be saturating the cells in my body with the most perfect microscopic food/nutrition on earth - marine phytoplankton - and I will be documenting and sharing my results. I'm excited to experience how the body responds when it's "fed" optimum nutrition in megadoses.

Ken & I have both been taking the ForeverGreen products for about 10 months now and have experienced improved health as well as a new resolve to take better care of the only body we have. Maybe it's our "advancing" age that has made us more conscious of how we're eating but one thing I've learned is that no matter how old you are or what health issues you're dealing with, the human body is an amazing entity and has the ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition.

My own experience so far with these products has been a 30 year improvement to my cardiovascular system by taking Pulse 8, FrequenSea and Azul and an overall feeling of well-being. I just feel GOOD! My aches & pains have disappeared; I have more energy and a positive outlook. When I think back to a year ago, I thought I felt pretty good and any problems I did have I attributed to getting older. Now, I realize that I'm NOT old and won't be for a long time so I should take care of myself and, maybe, just maybe after several more birthdays go by I will still have the most important thing I can have - good health!

So, I'll keep you posted over the next 4 weeks. If you want to join me and take YOUR health to new levels, take the tour at .

Oh, and.....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there! Motherhood is truly the best job on earth!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear your 28-day Miracle results! I commend you for truly taking a stand for your health. Also, sharing and inspiring others (including your loved ones) at a time wellness and prevention is so desperately needed!

    Happy Mother's day!
