"Health" is so much more than visiting your doctor when you don't feel good. True health is achieved through "wellness"....of the body, mind and spirit...to achieve balance on all levels and to do so in a way that honors WHO you are. We are a part of Nature and, as such, should look to Nature for our wellness.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Older, Wiser and...Happier? YES!
Lately, as I’ve been talking to other women my age and reading so many blogs and posts from menopausal women, a recurring theme has emerged that troubles me. These women are miserable. They have hot flashes, fatique, brain fog, pain and big time irritability. Many feel angry and hopeless as they lash out against this “punishment” women must endure – some for years.
And it got me thinking about “women” in general, and our life journeys. I remember, vividly, those carefree days BEFORE I “became a woman” (ie. got my “period”). I didn’t have a care in the world – was quite the tomboy actually – as I explored, built tree forts, collected salamanders and lived in that wonderful world of blissful ignorance. And then the dreaded EVENT happened when I was about 12 years old. I remember clearly….we were at the Circus. It was about 100 degrees that day so we were sticky and hot but loving the smells, the animals and the excitement of the Big Tent. We didn’t often get to do fun things like that so we were enthralled with every moment. I was experiencing some cramps and was sooo hot but didn’t want to complain for fear of missing a moment. When we got home I went to the bathroom and was HORRIFIED! Mom calmly explained that I was now a “woman” and this would happen every month – she said it was an exciting day. Exiting?!! Are you kidding me? I remember screaming at her “Make me a BOY!! Right NOW!!” I was SO angry. That was the end of my carefree days. That was the beginning of….being a “woman” and, every month after that I would be ANGRY but resigned. There was nothing I could do but accept it. It was part of who and what I was. At 12 I KNEW I couldn’t be changed into a boy but I never stopped thinking how unfair it was. I still say that when I “come back” it will be as a boy!
Over the next few decades, I got married, went through pregnancy to have the kids and then looked after everyone because my “role” in this journey was MOM and WIFE. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not complaining one bit – I loved raising my kids (and now have the reward of Grandkids) and, honestly, it gave me a lot of satisfaction to make sure hubby and children were looked after. I did manage to do some things for ME but the BIG things I’d always dreamed of doing when I was a child got pushed back, tucked away inside – waiting.
Now that I’ve reached the age of menopause, I have to say I was actually pretty excited to be rid of that dreaded “monthly curse”. Finally! Sure, I experience hot flashes sometimes. I’m irritable at times. And I don’t have patience for stupid people anymore. But, honestly for the most part, I feel like a butterfly that’s finally emerged from the cocoon. I’m free to be ME, finally. And even though I’m still looking after my kids and husband and now have grandchildren to “worry” about (and enjoy!) and I have a parent who needs more care, I am eager to embrace this new chapter of my life. I have things to accomplish and I’m looking forward to bringing out those “BIG things” I’d tucked away so long ago and, hopefully, accomplishing some of them. It’s an exciting time – another beginning .
I guess what I want to say to all of those many, many women out there who are miserable and looking for ways to “fight” or “cure” menopause and its many manifestations is this – aging and all that comes with it is part of our personal journey. We can either resent it, waste time trying to “cure” it and be miserable OR we can embrace it as OUR TIME to shine. Explore new experiences like yoga, meditation, hobbies you’ve always wanted to do, volunteering, go back to school, keep a journal. Take time to take CARE of yourself through better diet, more sleep, getting exercise. Think back to when you were a child and remember those dreams you had. Dig them out and have another look at them. Make this next step in YOUR journey the time to be true to yourself.
When I look in the mirror these days I see wrinkles and grey hairs looking back at me and yet, even as my eyes take this all in, the inner me is still young, hopeful and excited for what each new day will bring. I’m more content with simple things. I appreciate peace and quiet. I’m probably more selfish with MY time because I want each minute to count. Let me leave you with this saying that I think of often….”Don’t ever regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many” To have the chance to LIVE a full life is a gift that shouldn’t be wasted.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Living with Pain
Since I started sharing FGXpress Power Strips, as a FGXpress Distributor back in January 2013, I've been simply astounded by the number of people who live with pain. Whether it's arthritis, a sports injury, migraines, fibromyalgia, carpel tunnel or just the aches and pains associated with getting older I would guess that for 2/3 of those I talk to, pain is part of their everyday lives. They are all ages too, from early 20's and up. Many of these people use pain killers on a regular basis just to be able to function. Their pain, in many cases, defines them and has become "something they just live with".
To be able to offer these folks an "all-natural" product like Power Strips that, in most cases, eliminates their pain and allows them to feel years younger is something I'm humbled by. The recent listing of Power Strips by the FDA as a "Class 1 Medical device for the management and relief of pain" has given this amazing product such credibility but the stories we get daily from those who've tried the strips are what really proves we have a product like no other in the natural wellness industry or even in the traditional health world.
Here are some recent testimonials:
"My brother-in-law asked me if he could try a Power Strip for his shoulder that had developed severe pain, making him unable to raise his arm even to take a simple drink of water! He skeptically applied a Power Strip one evening, and the next morning he called me to report that this pain had miraculously disappeared! He, too, is now a believer in the POWER of the Power Strips." CD
"I have had back problems for quite some time now. It just so happens that I had a really bad episode that started a few days before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t even hold my 7 month old niece. I was in the ER I get pain shots that temporarily work and I’m not a fan of pain pills so I didn’t take them.
A couple of weeks later I received samples of the PowerStrips. By day 2 I felt remarkably better! Still skeptical I waited to place my order. The pain didn’t come back and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes. After day 3 I had run out so I ordered the PowerStrips to keep any inflammation down. I now have a full time desk job and the PowerStrips are with me at all times in case I ever have pain." Jenn S.
With FGXpress Power Strips the time has come....when people don't have to LIVE with pain anymore and they can do so without filling their body with meds that, over time, can create even greater health issues. To have a product that is so simple, natural, fast acting and effective on so many different levels (pain relief, improved sleeps, better moods, mental clarity) is exciting and I am proud to be part of it. And there is no feeling like knowing I helped someone regain quality of life by getting rid of the pain they have lived with, in many cases, for years and I did it just by sharing this wonderful product with them.
Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, Silver & (Alpha-3 CMP™) Marine Phytoplankton and 3 minerals.
Watch this heartfelt video from Ashley, a young lady who's life has been changed by Power Strips:
So if you are someone who lives with pain or knows someone (a spouse, parent, friend)who does I invite you to experience Power Strips for yourself - no strings attached. Simply contact me for more information and ask how you can get a few samples to try. I will get them in the mail as soon as possible.
My email is seawellness@hotmail.com
My website is: www.seawellness.fgxpress.com
To be able to offer these folks an "all-natural" product like Power Strips that, in most cases, eliminates their pain and allows them to feel years younger is something I'm humbled by. The recent listing of Power Strips by the FDA as a "Class 1 Medical device for the management and relief of pain" has given this amazing product such credibility but the stories we get daily from those who've tried the strips are what really proves we have a product like no other in the natural wellness industry or even in the traditional health world.
Here are some recent testimonials:
"My brother-in-law asked me if he could try a Power Strip for his shoulder that had developed severe pain, making him unable to raise his arm even to take a simple drink of water! He skeptically applied a Power Strip one evening, and the next morning he called me to report that this pain had miraculously disappeared! He, too, is now a believer in the POWER of the Power Strips." CD
"I have had back problems for quite some time now. It just so happens that I had a really bad episode that started a few days before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t even hold my 7 month old niece. I was in the ER I get pain shots that temporarily work and I’m not a fan of pain pills so I didn’t take them.
A couple of weeks later I received samples of the PowerStrips. By day 2 I felt remarkably better! Still skeptical I waited to place my order. The pain didn’t come back and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes. After day 3 I had run out so I ordered the PowerStrips to keep any inflammation down. I now have a full time desk job and the PowerStrips are with me at all times in case I ever have pain." Jenn S.
With FGXpress Power Strips the time has come....when people don't have to LIVE with pain anymore and they can do so without filling their body with meds that, over time, can create even greater health issues. To have a product that is so simple, natural, fast acting and effective on so many different levels (pain relief, improved sleeps, better moods, mental clarity) is exciting and I am proud to be part of it. And there is no feeling like knowing I helped someone regain quality of life by getting rid of the pain they have lived with, in many cases, for years and I did it just by sharing this wonderful product with them.
Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, Silver & (Alpha-3 CMP™) Marine Phytoplankton and 3 minerals.
Watch this heartfelt video from Ashley, a young lady who's life has been changed by Power Strips:
So if you are someone who lives with pain or knows someone (a spouse, parent, friend)who does I invite you to experience Power Strips for yourself - no strings attached. Simply contact me for more information and ask how you can get a few samples to try. I will get them in the mail as soon as possible.
My email is seawellness@hotmail.com
My website is: www.seawellness.fgxpress.com
Monday, April 8, 2013
Options and Choices
Ok I’ve heard a radio advertisement several times now and it’s really getting on my nerves. Goes something like this…”Are you overweight, have Type 2 diabetes or heart disease and can’t get Life Insurance? Call us because we can make sure that even if you’re chubby and unhealthy you can get Life Insurance”
Really?? This is the answer to our health problems? Stock up on Life Insurance because, buddy, you’re going to need it sooner rather than later…..don’t worry about getting healthier, just call us and we’ll make sure that when you die prematurely your family will be taken care of. What really angers me is that this message probably appeals to a certain percentage of the population that don't see any light at the end of their tunnels.

I get it that change isn’t easy…it isn’t. But to think you have no options other than to buy more Life Insurance is brutal. Throwing out the processed junk food in your pantry isn’t that hard. NOT eating at the fast-food drive thru three times a day isn’t a stretch either. Filling your grocery cart with REAL food like fresh vegetables and fruits takes a bit of getting used to but it’s doable. Making the choice that everything you put in your mouth will have nutritional “value” takes practice but becomes easy after a while. Those are all alternatives to just shelling out some money for more life insurance. And the best part…..you’ll actually start to FEEL better and add years to your life. Don’t let some advertisement reinforce your sense of failure. It’s never too late to make positive changes and they don’t cost you a DIME! Ya, we’re all going to die someday and maybe having that Life Insurance is a great idea but don’t get sucked into thinking that’s the ONLY option left for you.

Life is nothing more than choices – we make them everyday – some are easy, some are hard, some are good choices while others are ones we regret but, guess what? Tomorrow you’ll get up and do it all over again. You can CHOOSE to be that chubby, unhealthy schmuck (his words) the radio announcer is trying to sell Life Insurance to OR you can take control of the life you have while you’re on this side of the dirt and maybe, just maybe, it will all turn out to be so much better than that guy on the radio led you to believe.
And that, my friends, is my "Food for Thought" today. Thanks for letting me rant.
Yours in Health & Happiness.

Got Pain? Get Power Strips!
Really?? This is the answer to our health problems? Stock up on Life Insurance because, buddy, you’re going to need it sooner rather than later…..don’t worry about getting healthier, just call us and we’ll make sure that when you die prematurely your family will be taken care of. What really angers me is that this message probably appeals to a certain percentage of the population that don't see any light at the end of their tunnels.

I get it that change isn’t easy…it isn’t. But to think you have no options other than to buy more Life Insurance is brutal. Throwing out the processed junk food in your pantry isn’t that hard. NOT eating at the fast-food drive thru three times a day isn’t a stretch either. Filling your grocery cart with REAL food like fresh vegetables and fruits takes a bit of getting used to but it’s doable. Making the choice that everything you put in your mouth will have nutritional “value” takes practice but becomes easy after a while. Those are all alternatives to just shelling out some money for more life insurance. And the best part…..you’ll actually start to FEEL better and add years to your life. Don’t let some advertisement reinforce your sense of failure. It’s never too late to make positive changes and they don’t cost you a DIME! Ya, we’re all going to die someday and maybe having that Life Insurance is a great idea but don’t get sucked into thinking that’s the ONLY option left for you.

Life is nothing more than choices – we make them everyday – some are easy, some are hard, some are good choices while others are ones we regret but, guess what? Tomorrow you’ll get up and do it all over again. You can CHOOSE to be that chubby, unhealthy schmuck (his words) the radio announcer is trying to sell Life Insurance to OR you can take control of the life you have while you’re on this side of the dirt and maybe, just maybe, it will all turn out to be so much better than that guy on the radio led you to believe.
And that, my friends, is my "Food for Thought" today. Thanks for letting me rant.
Yours in Health & Happiness.

Got Pain? Get Power Strips!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Enjoy your Journey
So many times when I’m talking to people about nutrition the first thing most of them want is to lose weight. I would say 80% of them have tried every diet there is, had some success and then gained all of their weight back again. How discouraging is that? After a while, they either give up altogether or are so consumed by counting calories, staying away from fats and trying to stick to their “newest” diet that they’re miserable most of the time. No wonder the diet industry is one of the largest in the modern world! I want people to try and start looking at losing weight in a whole new way and hopefully it will help them be happier, healthier AND, as a bonus, they WILL lose weight but because their bodies are functioning properly and NOT because they've managed to "survive" yet another diet.
When I look at nutrition, I NOW see it as what my body “needs” on a daily basis as fuel for all of its metabolic processes. (I didn't always think like that, trust me!) We have become victims of the food processing industry that is always coming out with the newest, the most convenient, eye-catching products to entice us (and, worse, our kids) and they seem to be able to make it cheaper than we can buy “real” food and, sadly, they have contributed to many, many of the health issues that are taking over our lives and costing us in both dollars and quality of life. Of course, I want to enjoy what I eat but when I gave myself the chance to experience eating “real” food it became very easy to enjoy the flavors, the colors and textures of food as it was meant to be.
The “modified”, processed food started to taste and feel like poison to my body – and, really, that’s what it is. When people don’t eat “real” food it’s like putting a foreign object into the body that it doesn’t recognize and therefore it tries to get rid of it – because that’s what the body is designed to do – get rid of invaders. Because we ignore the symptoms we get(like bloating, headaches, aching joints and muscles, fatigue and more)
from eating non-foods and keep eating these chemical-laden, genetically-altered products that are marketed to us as “food”, our poor body eventually gives up trying and starts to fall apart. “Falling apart” may manifest itself in the form of excess weight gain, diabetes, allergies, auto-immune diseases, cancer, heart-disease, depression – the list goes on and on and on. Is it any wonder that we have more new diseases popping up than ever before when we look at what we’ve all been eating for the last several decades?
In Holistic Nutrition we recognize that the “whole” person is involved in becoming and being healthy. Often when someone gets fixated on what they perceive as their “problem” (to lose weight) they do so at the cost of other areas of their life because they are stressed and stuck on that one aspect that hangs over their head. It becomes a vicious cycle. They crave the things they aren’t “allowed” to have; they don’t enjoy eating because it makes them feel guilty; and, eventually their whole life has become this “dark cloud” attached to eating/weight loss.
My first suggestion to people is "eat REAL, LIVE food" and eat it in a balanced way - our bodies LOVE balance! Don't eat lots of breads, pastas, meats or gravies but try to make about 50-60% of what you eat be enzyme-rich foods with vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables) but please make sure they're NOT canned or processed in any way.(And avoid microwaving as that kills the enzymes and nutrients.) 30-40% should be proteins for rebuilding and about 10% healthy fats such as coconut oil, flaxseed oil, oil fish like salmon, REAL butter (never margarine). If you concentrate on this kind of eating rather than counting calories or "points" or weighing your food portions you may find yourself having more success without the pressure. Also, I always suggest giving your pantry a good purging - get rid of any processed/boxed foods so they're not there to tempt you. If they're around you WILL eat them, trust me.

A “whole person” approach recognizes that one should enjoy food as the Earth’s bounty but should also appreciate the other “gifts” we have been given such as a mind with which to think and make choices, the ability to interact with others and touch their lives with simple kindnesses. We need to enjoy the journey of this life we’ve been gifted while honoring who and what we are that makes us unique on a planet of 7 billion other people. In the simplest terms, I believe true health will occur when we learn to honor our body by feeding it the very best of what it needs; when we honor our mind by nurturing it, not only with nutrition, but with imagination, music and art; when we honor our world and environment by keeping it clean and healthy for the next generation and by breathing in deeply of its air and soaking up the rays of the sunshine and finally, when we honour our “humanity” by treating others with kindness, respect and tolerance.
I hope this gives you some "Food for Thought". Until next time....
When I look at nutrition, I NOW see it as what my body “needs” on a daily basis as fuel for all of its metabolic processes. (I didn't always think like that, trust me!) We have become victims of the food processing industry that is always coming out with the newest, the most convenient, eye-catching products to entice us (and, worse, our kids) and they seem to be able to make it cheaper than we can buy “real” food and, sadly, they have contributed to many, many of the health issues that are taking over our lives and costing us in both dollars and quality of life. Of course, I want to enjoy what I eat but when I gave myself the chance to experience eating “real” food it became very easy to enjoy the flavors, the colors and textures of food as it was meant to be.
The “modified”, processed food started to taste and feel like poison to my body – and, really, that’s what it is. When people don’t eat “real” food it’s like putting a foreign object into the body that it doesn’t recognize and therefore it tries to get rid of it – because that’s what the body is designed to do – get rid of invaders. Because we ignore the symptoms we get(like bloating, headaches, aching joints and muscles, fatigue and more)
from eating non-foods and keep eating these chemical-laden, genetically-altered products that are marketed to us as “food”, our poor body eventually gives up trying and starts to fall apart. “Falling apart” may manifest itself in the form of excess weight gain, diabetes, allergies, auto-immune diseases, cancer, heart-disease, depression – the list goes on and on and on. Is it any wonder that we have more new diseases popping up than ever before when we look at what we’ve all been eating for the last several decades?
In Holistic Nutrition we recognize that the “whole” person is involved in becoming and being healthy. Often when someone gets fixated on what they perceive as their “problem” (to lose weight) they do so at the cost of other areas of their life because they are stressed and stuck on that one aspect that hangs over their head. It becomes a vicious cycle. They crave the things they aren’t “allowed” to have; they don’t enjoy eating because it makes them feel guilty; and, eventually their whole life has become this “dark cloud” attached to eating/weight loss.
My first suggestion to people is "eat REAL, LIVE food" and eat it in a balanced way - our bodies LOVE balance! Don't eat lots of breads, pastas, meats or gravies but try to make about 50-60% of what you eat be enzyme-rich foods with vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables) but please make sure they're NOT canned or processed in any way.(And avoid microwaving as that kills the enzymes and nutrients.) 30-40% should be proteins for rebuilding and about 10% healthy fats such as coconut oil, flaxseed oil, oil fish like salmon, REAL butter (never margarine). If you concentrate on this kind of eating rather than counting calories or "points" or weighing your food portions you may find yourself having more success without the pressure. Also, I always suggest giving your pantry a good purging - get rid of any processed/boxed foods so they're not there to tempt you. If they're around you WILL eat them, trust me.

A “whole person” approach recognizes that one should enjoy food as the Earth’s bounty but should also appreciate the other “gifts” we have been given such as a mind with which to think and make choices, the ability to interact with others and touch their lives with simple kindnesses. We need to enjoy the journey of this life we’ve been gifted while honoring who and what we are that makes us unique on a planet of 7 billion other people. In the simplest terms, I believe true health will occur when we learn to honor our body by feeding it the very best of what it needs; when we honor our mind by nurturing it, not only with nutrition, but with imagination, music and art; when we honor our world and environment by keeping it clean and healthy for the next generation and by breathing in deeply of its air and soaking up the rays of the sunshine and finally, when we honour our “humanity” by treating others with kindness, respect and tolerance.
I hope this gives you some "Food for Thought". Until next time....
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