Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Living with Pain

Since I started sharing FGXpress Power Strips, as a FGXpress Distributor back in January 2013, I've been simply astounded by the number of people who live with pain. Whether it's arthritis, a sports injury, migraines, fibromyalgia, carpel tunnel or just the aches and pains associated with getting older I would guess that for 2/3 of those I talk to, pain is part of their everyday lives. They are all ages too, from early 20's and up. Many of these people use pain killers on a regular basis just to be able to function. Their pain, in many cases, defines them and has become "something they just live with".

To be able to offer these folks an "all-natural" product like Power Strips that, in most cases, eliminates their pain and allows them to feel years younger is something I'm humbled by. The recent listing of Power Strips by the FDA as a "Class 1 Medical device for the management and relief of pain" has given this amazing product such credibility but the stories we get daily from those who've tried the strips are what really proves we have a product like no other in the natural wellness industry or even in the traditional health world.

Here are some recent testimonials:

"My brother-in-law asked me if he could try a Power Strip for his shoulder that had developed severe pain, making him unable to raise his arm even to take a simple drink of water! He skeptically applied a Power Strip one evening, and the next morning he called me to report that this pain had miraculously disappeared! He, too, is now a believer in the POWER of the Power Strips." CD

"I have had back problems for quite some time now. It just so happens that I had a really bad episode that started a few days before Thanksgiving. I couldn’t even hold my 7 month old niece. I was in the ER I get pain shots that temporarily work and I’m not a fan of pain pills so I didn’t take them.
A couple of weeks later I received samples of the PowerStrips. By day 2 I felt remarkably better! Still skeptical I waited to place my order. The pain didn’t come back and I could sit comfortably and bend down to tie my own shoes. After day 3 I had run out so I ordered the PowerStrips to keep any inflammation down. I now have a full time desk job and the PowerStrips are with me at all times in case I ever have pain." Jenn S.

With FGXpress Power Strips the time has come....when people don't have to LIVE with pain anymore and they can do so without filling their body with meds that, over time, can create even greater health issues. To have a product that is so simple, natural, fast acting and effective on so many different levels (pain relief, improved sleeps, better moods, mental clarity) is exciting and I am proud to be part of it. And there is no feeling like knowing I helped someone regain quality of life by getting rid of the pain they have lived with, in many cases, for years and I did it just by sharing this wonderful product with them.

Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, Silver & (Alpha-3 CMP™) Marine Phytoplankton and 3 minerals.

Watch this heartfelt video from Ashley, a young lady who's life has been changed by Power Strips:

So if you are someone who lives with pain or knows someone (a spouse, parent, friend)who does I invite you to experience Power Strips for yourself - no strings attached. Simply contact me for more information and ask how you can get a few samples to try. I will get them in the mail as soon as possible.

My email is

My website is:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Honor your Body

Don’t you think it’s sort of strange that we “live” in our body but have no idea how it works? We depend on what our parents have taught us about eating, hygiene and sleeping, among other things, but generally we just take it for granted that the good old body will function no matter what we throw at it.

When people get a cold or the flu or other illnesses and they go to the doctor thinking he will “fix” them they’re under-estimating the body’s innate ability to take make itself “right” again. But if they’ve only eaten fast or processed food all their life or never seem to get a “good” night’s sleep or are so stressed out by work that they have indigestion all the time they are making the job of the body so much harder. People just want to take a pill to make them feel better and they want it now! So it becomes a vicious cycle with the pills masking the symptoms and the “silenced” symptoms then leading to other, perhaps worse, illnesses.

Don’t get me wrong….I think Doctors are essential for emergencies but I also think they should help us/teach us HOW to look after ourselves better. If we understood how the body worked we’d realize that those symptoms are the body’s way of telling us something has to change. It needs help if it’s going to heal itself and it CAN heal itself because that’s what it’s designed to do. Even when we already have symptoms, there are ways to support the body so it can rebuild and get back its vitality.

Take a headache, for example. When people get a headache, most will reach for the Pain relievers without taking a minute to figure out WHY they have a headache. Are they dehydrated? Stressed? Are the muscles in their neck so tight they feel like boulders? Was it something they ate that they might be sensitive to? They could try to drink a big glass of water and see if that helps. They could massage peppermint oil along the back of their neck and on their temples to see if that eases things – including those tight muscles. They could try some deep breathing to take more oxygen in. I think pain relievers should be used as a last resort if possible (and I know it’s not always possible). I still rely on some of my Mom’s and Grandma’s remedies. When I get a sore throat I still gargle with warm salt water and vinegar. When I have a chest cold, I still grab the good old Vapour Rub (Vicks) AND YES I will take a swig of Buckleys if things get real bad (and, touch wood, I haven’t had to do that in a long time). The important thing to remember is that our body CAN fight off most viruses and other illnesses IF we keep our immune system strong and we LET the body do the fighting. A fever is a sign that the body is fighting the virus so don’t take meds to get rid of the fever – take a cool shower or bath instead, drink plenty of water and REST – unless the fever gets alarmingly high at which time a doctor should be consulted. A cough is the body trying to expel the build up of mucous – so don’t take a cough suppressant. Get the idea?

Did anybody watch CNN’s special the other night, “Deadly Dose” about the over prescribing of pain meds in America (and, trust me, Canada too)? The U.S. consumes 80% of the world’s pain medications yet they have only 20% of the world’s population!! Scary! We are a generation of pill poppers and quick fixes and we do so at a tremendous cost to our health. Is it any wonder that with all of our technology and advances in medicine there has actually been an INCREASE in many diseases. I truly believe it’s because we don’t ever let our body do what it’s supposed to do. That, combined with the intense stress most people are under, poor diets and not enough sleep/ relaxing or physical activity are all factors that we DO have control over.

I think people are starting to “get it”. When we honor the body and “listen” to what it’s trying to tell us we have a much better chance of avoiding illness or dealing with illnesses in a way that won’t ultimately do more harm.