If we believe the Mayan calendar, the end of the world is supposed to happen on December 21, 2012 – 5 days from now. I don’t get caught up in doomsday theories and hadn’t really thought much about it but, lately, I’ve been noticing a definite shift in the way people are behaving and in what they’re saying. The latest heartbreaking tragedy in Newtown, Conn yesterday (Dec 14, 2012) where 20 innocent 6 and 7 year old kids were gunned down along with 6 of their teachers has shaken all of us, collectively, to our core but, perhaps more significantly, has made us say “enough”.
I believe December 21, 2012 may NOT be the end of the physical world but, rather, the end of the world “as we know it”. As we enter the Age of Aquarius a new global consciousness is emerging – one of hope instead of fear, of peace not war, a feeling of being connected with our fellow man instead of being separated and a feeling of contentment rather than always wanting more. The world we have known for the last generation – a world of “ME” – is coming to an end because it HAS to. With all of the new technology we use everyday, many of us are becoming more aware of how little we interact with REAL people anymore. “We have all become masters of observation. It is easier to watch Friends on TV than it is to have a friend or be a friend….It’s easier to be a big loser by sitting on your butt watching The Biggest Loser than it is to get off your butt and lose weight yourself.” (“It’s Called Work for a Reason” Larry Winget)
It’s easier to hide behind social media where you can say what you want and attack who you want without having to witness firsthand how your actions may be hurting that person you’re attacking. Throw out a comment that can’t be taken back and that the whole world can see and then walk away while that person’s world may be crashing and burning around them.
Look around at any given time in places like restaurants, sporting events, shopping malls, libraries – anywhere there are people – and you will surely notice that virtually ALL of them are busy on their cell phones whether texting or watching videos or reading their mail. Very few of them are talking to each other or noticing others around them. It’s like they’re encased in individual little bubbles that float around each other but never allow interaction. As a society we don’t really SEE people or LISTEN to people or EMPATHIZE with people anymore. But it IS changing….I can see and feel subtle changes everyday.
We are waking up from the technology “drunk” we’ve been on for the last several decades and starting to realize that what makes us human is NOT how much technology we can invent or own or use but, rather, how we connect, heart to heart, with others in our world. What sets us apart from other species is our ability to feel sympathy and empathy, joy and sorrow. We feel better when we GIVE to others because it connects us to something bigger than ourselves.
I look forward to the end of the world as we know it. I, for one, have had ENOUGH of the old world order and eagerly await the Age of Aquarius.

"Health" is so much more than visiting your doctor when you don't feel good. True health is achieved through "wellness"....of the body, mind and spirit...to achieve balance on all levels and to do so in a way that honors WHO you are. We are a part of Nature and, as such, should look to Nature for our wellness.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Honor your Body
Don’t you think it’s sort of strange that we “live” in our body but have no idea how it works? We depend on what our parents have taught us about eating, hygiene and sleeping, among other things, but generally we just take it for granted that the good old body will function no matter what we throw at it.
When people get a cold or the flu or other illnesses and they go to the doctor thinking he will “fix” them they’re under-estimating the body’s innate ability to take make itself “right” again. But if they’ve only eaten fast or processed food all their life or never seem to get a “good” night’s sleep or are so stressed out by work that they have indigestion all the time they are making the job of the body so much harder. People just want to take a pill to make them feel better and they want it now! So it becomes a vicious cycle with the pills masking the symptoms and the “silenced” symptoms then leading to other, perhaps worse, illnesses.
Don’t get me wrong….I think Doctors are essential for emergencies but I also think they should help us/teach us HOW to look after ourselves better. If we understood how the body worked we’d realize that those symptoms are the body’s way of telling us something has to change. It needs help if it’s going to heal itself and it CAN heal itself because that’s what it’s designed to do. Even when we already have symptoms, there are ways to support the body so it can rebuild and get back its vitality.
Take a headache, for example. When people get a headache, most will reach for the Pain relievers without taking a minute to figure out WHY they have a headache. Are they dehydrated? Stressed? Are the muscles in their neck so tight they feel like boulders? Was it something they ate that they might be sensitive to? They could try to drink a big glass of water and see if that helps. They could massage peppermint oil along the back of their neck and on their temples to see if that eases things – including those tight muscles. They could try some deep breathing to take more oxygen in. I think pain relievers should be used as a last resort if possible (and I know it’s not always possible). I still rely on some of my Mom’s and Grandma’s remedies. When I get a sore throat I still gargle with warm salt water and vinegar. When I have a chest cold, I still grab the good old Vapour Rub (Vicks) AND YES I will take a swig of Buckleys if things get real bad (and, touch wood, I haven’t had to do that in a long time). The important thing to remember is that our body CAN fight off most viruses and other illnesses IF we keep our immune system strong and we LET the body do the fighting. A fever is a sign that the body is fighting the virus so don’t take meds to get rid of the fever – take a cool shower or bath instead, drink plenty of water and REST – unless the fever gets alarmingly high at which time a doctor should be consulted. A cough is the body trying to expel the build up of mucous – so don’t take a cough suppressant. Get the idea?
Did anybody watch CNN’s special the other night, “Deadly Dose” about the over prescribing of pain meds in America (and, trust me, Canada too)? The U.S. consumes 80% of the world’s pain medications yet they have only 20% of the world’s population!! Scary! We are a generation of pill poppers and quick fixes and we do so at a tremendous cost to our health. Is it any wonder that with all of our technology and advances in medicine there has actually been an INCREASE in many diseases. I truly believe it’s because we don’t ever let our body do what it’s supposed to do. That, combined with the intense stress most people are under, poor diets and not enough sleep/ relaxing or physical activity are all factors that we DO have control over.
I think people are starting to “get it”. When we honor the body and “listen” to what it’s trying to tell us we have a much better chance of avoiding illness or dealing with illnesses in a way that won’t ultimately do more harm.
When people get a cold or the flu or other illnesses and they go to the doctor thinking he will “fix” them they’re under-estimating the body’s innate ability to take make itself “right” again. But if they’ve only eaten fast or processed food all their life or never seem to get a “good” night’s sleep or are so stressed out by work that they have indigestion all the time they are making the job of the body so much harder. People just want to take a pill to make them feel better and they want it now! So it becomes a vicious cycle with the pills masking the symptoms and the “silenced” symptoms then leading to other, perhaps worse, illnesses.
Don’t get me wrong….I think Doctors are essential for emergencies but I also think they should help us/teach us HOW to look after ourselves better. If we understood how the body worked we’d realize that those symptoms are the body’s way of telling us something has to change. It needs help if it’s going to heal itself and it CAN heal itself because that’s what it’s designed to do. Even when we already have symptoms, there are ways to support the body so it can rebuild and get back its vitality.
Take a headache, for example. When people get a headache, most will reach for the Pain relievers without taking a minute to figure out WHY they have a headache. Are they dehydrated? Stressed? Are the muscles in their neck so tight they feel like boulders? Was it something they ate that they might be sensitive to? They could try to drink a big glass of water and see if that helps. They could massage peppermint oil along the back of their neck and on their temples to see if that eases things – including those tight muscles. They could try some deep breathing to take more oxygen in. I think pain relievers should be used as a last resort if possible (and I know it’s not always possible). I still rely on some of my Mom’s and Grandma’s remedies. When I get a sore throat I still gargle with warm salt water and vinegar. When I have a chest cold, I still grab the good old Vapour Rub (Vicks) AND YES I will take a swig of Buckleys if things get real bad (and, touch wood, I haven’t had to do that in a long time). The important thing to remember is that our body CAN fight off most viruses and other illnesses IF we keep our immune system strong and we LET the body do the fighting. A fever is a sign that the body is fighting the virus so don’t take meds to get rid of the fever – take a cool shower or bath instead, drink plenty of water and REST – unless the fever gets alarmingly high at which time a doctor should be consulted. A cough is the body trying to expel the build up of mucous – so don’t take a cough suppressant. Get the idea?
Did anybody watch CNN’s special the other night, “Deadly Dose” about the over prescribing of pain meds in America (and, trust me, Canada too)? The U.S. consumes 80% of the world’s pain medications yet they have only 20% of the world’s population!! Scary! We are a generation of pill poppers and quick fixes and we do so at a tremendous cost to our health. Is it any wonder that with all of our technology and advances in medicine there has actually been an INCREASE in many diseases. I truly believe it’s because we don’t ever let our body do what it’s supposed to do. That, combined with the intense stress most people are under, poor diets and not enough sleep/ relaxing or physical activity are all factors that we DO have control over.
I think people are starting to “get it”. When we honor the body and “listen” to what it’s trying to tell us we have a much better chance of avoiding illness or dealing with illnesses in a way that won’t ultimately do more harm.
home remedies,
immune system,
pain relievers,
peppermint oil,
the body,
Friday, October 12, 2012
A Long and Happy Life
As I come to the end of 3 years of my Holistic Nutrition studies I understand clearly how this kind of "wellness-care" will become the 21st century’s answer to solving our escalating health issues. “Holistic” care encompasses our entire being – our Body, our Mind and our Spirit. It recognizes that each individual is unique but also that our state of mind and our spirituality are intrinsically tied to HOW our bodies function and, therefore, to our overall health.
I see this in every person I meet but really recognize it in people like me who are middle-aged or older, have raised their families and are, perhaps, uncertain about what the future holds for them. When I turned 50 I was about 20 lbs overweight, had various aches and pains, migraine headaches and absolutely no energy. I chalked it up to “getting old”. I believed from what others said and what society accepted that getting old “allowed” us to feel tired and drained; to carry extra weight; to have no sense of excitement; to simply get older and, eventually, die. What?? No way!! It was at that point that I realized, “50 isn’t OLD” and took steps to change my health but, maybe more importantly, my outlook.
Almost everyone I talk to and see around me are stressed, overweight, exhausted and NOT smiling. If anything their faces have a pinched look, they’re yelling at their kids or spouse, they are gulping down an energy drink or another “double-double” coffee just to make it through the afternoon. Their health is suffering, their relationships are suffering and they’re on their way to getting old before their time.
Our bodies are designed to live for well over a hundred years. Let’s consider what happens after we’re born. Babies are not always breast-fed anymore and are introduced to refined and processed foods at a very young age leading to various ailments including allergies, ADHD, ear infections (which leads to antibiotic overuse) and more. They are not encouraged to be active. The first “babysitter” is often the television to keep them occupied. They spend a lot of time indoors rather than outside breathing in fresh air and absorbing beneficial sunshine. This trend continues throughout their childhood and into their school-aged years. They see their parents stressed and working long hours to try and stay ahead and they become like them. As adults, we feel the pressure to succeed at any cost and give up things we may have enjoyed in the past. We no longer have time to pursue things that make us feel good. We no longer have time to cook a good meal so we use the drive-thru. Family time becomes an hour or so squeezed into every day. We fall onto the sofa in the evening, exhausted, and fall asleep watching the next “reality” show. Unfortunately, this has become society's new reality and, I believe, it’s what is a huge contributor to our current health crisis.
Stress is the beginning of our downward health spiral. When we are stressed physically or psychologically the body suddenly shifts its energy resources to fighting off the perceived threat. In what is known as "fight or flight response", the sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones make the heart beat faster, raise blood pressure, change the digestive process and boost glucose levels in the bloodstream. Once the crisis passes the systems usually return to normal. But what happens when we are constantly stressed? Our systems never have the chance to return to normal.
When cortisol and epinerphine are released, the liver produces more glucose, a blood sugar that would give you the necessary energy to fight or flight in an emergency. So, not surprisingly, constant stress leads to too much blood sugar which can lead to weight gain and Type II diabetes not to mention an overworked liver, heart and every other system in our body. Our immune system becomes suppressed because our body is using all of its energy to handle the stress.
So, in a holistic approach to improving health, we must not only support the body’s systems nutritionally but we must learn how to relieve stress and have a good mental outlook. We need to find balance in every aspect of our life. We need to nurture ourselves and find what makes US happy and content. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than finding yourself middle-aged, unhappy, unfulfilled AND unhealthy. If that’s where you find yourself ask this simple question – “What is something I’ve always wanted to do but have never done?” then go and DO it! You may recognize this as a “bucket list” but whatever we call it, it is really the first step to improving every aspect of your life, including your health.
50 is NOT old! It is the beginning of some of the best years of our lives. We finally have the time to do the things we didn’t have time for before. We are interesting, we are knowledgeable and we have a lot to share with the younger generation. It is OUR time to be true to WHO we are, not who others think we SHOULD be. We need to find what we are passionate about and DO it!
If you are only in your 20’s or 30’s and think this doesn’t apply to you, think again! Most adults your age who I meet look and feel middle-aged already! If you can implement changes now, while you’re still young, you’ll be able to greet aging with enthusiasm and good health. We are only given ONE life to live and as we reach middle age we realize the clock is ticking. But it’s never too late to embrace life, experience it and enjoy every minute with calm, peace, joy and abundance rather than wasting it being stressed about things that don’t mean much in the big picture.
Note: No matter what your age or your current health condition I invite you to consider looking at FGX PowerStrips™ as an all-natural way to regain your health, relieve your pain AND your stress. Ask me for more details: seawellness@hotmail.com www.seawellness.fgxpress.com
I see this in every person I meet but really recognize it in people like me who are middle-aged or older, have raised their families and are, perhaps, uncertain about what the future holds for them. When I turned 50 I was about 20 lbs overweight, had various aches and pains, migraine headaches and absolutely no energy. I chalked it up to “getting old”. I believed from what others said and what society accepted that getting old “allowed” us to feel tired and drained; to carry extra weight; to have no sense of excitement; to simply get older and, eventually, die. What?? No way!! It was at that point that I realized, “50 isn’t OLD” and took steps to change my health but, maybe more importantly, my outlook.
Almost everyone I talk to and see around me are stressed, overweight, exhausted and NOT smiling. If anything their faces have a pinched look, they’re yelling at their kids or spouse, they are gulping down an energy drink or another “double-double” coffee just to make it through the afternoon. Their health is suffering, their relationships are suffering and they’re on their way to getting old before their time.
Our bodies are designed to live for well over a hundred years. Let’s consider what happens after we’re born. Babies are not always breast-fed anymore and are introduced to refined and processed foods at a very young age leading to various ailments including allergies, ADHD, ear infections (which leads to antibiotic overuse) and more. They are not encouraged to be active. The first “babysitter” is often the television to keep them occupied. They spend a lot of time indoors rather than outside breathing in fresh air and absorbing beneficial sunshine. This trend continues throughout their childhood and into their school-aged years. They see their parents stressed and working long hours to try and stay ahead and they become like them. As adults, we feel the pressure to succeed at any cost and give up things we may have enjoyed in the past. We no longer have time to pursue things that make us feel good. We no longer have time to cook a good meal so we use the drive-thru. Family time becomes an hour or so squeezed into every day. We fall onto the sofa in the evening, exhausted, and fall asleep watching the next “reality” show. Unfortunately, this has become society's new reality and, I believe, it’s what is a huge contributor to our current health crisis.
Stress is the beginning of our downward health spiral. When we are stressed physically or psychologically the body suddenly shifts its energy resources to fighting off the perceived threat. In what is known as "fight or flight response", the sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones make the heart beat faster, raise blood pressure, change the digestive process and boost glucose levels in the bloodstream. Once the crisis passes the systems usually return to normal. But what happens when we are constantly stressed? Our systems never have the chance to return to normal.
When cortisol and epinerphine are released, the liver produces more glucose, a blood sugar that would give you the necessary energy to fight or flight in an emergency. So, not surprisingly, constant stress leads to too much blood sugar which can lead to weight gain and Type II diabetes not to mention an overworked liver, heart and every other system in our body. Our immune system becomes suppressed because our body is using all of its energy to handle the stress.
So, in a holistic approach to improving health, we must not only support the body’s systems nutritionally but we must learn how to relieve stress and have a good mental outlook. We need to find balance in every aspect of our life. We need to nurture ourselves and find what makes US happy and content. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than finding yourself middle-aged, unhappy, unfulfilled AND unhealthy. If that’s where you find yourself ask this simple question – “What is something I’ve always wanted to do but have never done?” then go and DO it! You may recognize this as a “bucket list” but whatever we call it, it is really the first step to improving every aspect of your life, including your health.
50 is NOT old! It is the beginning of some of the best years of our lives. We finally have the time to do the things we didn’t have time for before. We are interesting, we are knowledgeable and we have a lot to share with the younger generation. It is OUR time to be true to WHO we are, not who others think we SHOULD be. We need to find what we are passionate about and DO it!
If you are only in your 20’s or 30’s and think this doesn’t apply to you, think again! Most adults your age who I meet look and feel middle-aged already! If you can implement changes now, while you’re still young, you’ll be able to greet aging with enthusiasm and good health. We are only given ONE life to live and as we reach middle age we realize the clock is ticking. But it’s never too late to embrace life, experience it and enjoy every minute with calm, peace, joy and abundance rather than wasting it being stressed about things that don’t mean much in the big picture.
Note: No matter what your age or your current health condition I invite you to consider looking at FGX PowerStrips™ as an all-natural way to regain your health, relieve your pain AND your stress. Ask me for more details: seawellness@hotmail.com www.seawellness.fgxpress.com
blood pressure,
blood sugar,
childhood nutrition,
heart disease,
Power Strips,
type II diabetes
Friday, August 3, 2012
Enzymes - Did you know...?
The things I've learned while taking my Holistic Nutritionist course have made me realize how much we take for granted the miracle of how our bodies work. What I've recently discovered about enzymes really opened my eyes. Did you know that without enzymes our cells can die? That's because enzymes are responsible for every chemical reaction in our body.
Enzymes are ONLY found in living foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, RAW meat and RAW fish which is why it's so important to eat as many raw, whole foods as you can. Now, I'm not a fan of eating raw meat or fish so I depend on raw plant-based food to replenish my enzymes daily.
When you eat food that is processed or full of preservatives the enzymes are destroyed by those preservatives and therefore the food cannot be broken down in your stomach. If your daily diet is mostly those types of food you are seriously compromising your health. The body has to work itself to exhaustion just to try and digest the non-foods you've eaten. When the body is malnourished like this it results in health problems like a lowered immune system, fatigue, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, toxin build-up and an overabundance of yeast and molds in your body.
When people get chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, candida, allergies and just feel poorly in general they should take a very close look at their diet. Sadly, most go to the doctor who will prescribe a number of prescriptions that will mask the problem but will never address the CAUSE of the problem. And the medications will often make the problem worse over the long-term.
The new ForeverGreen "Raw Promise Program" is based on eating "real" food. www.seawellness.rawpromise.com By doing so for just 14 days, your health will improve dramatically and you will start to lose weight, have increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin....the list goes on and on.
I've attached a very easy-to-read reference about enzymes that I know you'll find interesting. www.jigsawhealth.com/pdf/how_do_enzymes_work_in_your_body_langford.pdf
Education is the key that is going to help us solve the new health crisis being caused by foodless foods or, as I like to refer to them...."Frankenfoods". Keep learning and being aware of everything you put into your body - the results will amaze you.
"The healing power of enzymes is absolute and proven. Almost every regulatory system in out body depends on enzymes and suffers by their depletion: coagulation, inflammation, wound healing, and tissue regeneration, to name just a few."The enzymes throughout our body is replenished by the living foods we eat.
Enzymes are ONLY found in living foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, RAW meat and RAW fish which is why it's so important to eat as many raw, whole foods as you can. Now, I'm not a fan of eating raw meat or fish so I depend on raw plant-based food to replenish my enzymes daily.
When you eat food that is processed or full of preservatives the enzymes are destroyed by those preservatives and therefore the food cannot be broken down in your stomach. If your daily diet is mostly those types of food you are seriously compromising your health. The body has to work itself to exhaustion just to try and digest the non-foods you've eaten. When the body is malnourished like this it results in health problems like a lowered immune system, fatigue, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, toxin build-up and an overabundance of yeast and molds in your body.
When people get chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, candida, allergies and just feel poorly in general they should take a very close look at their diet. Sadly, most go to the doctor who will prescribe a number of prescriptions that will mask the problem but will never address the CAUSE of the problem. And the medications will often make the problem worse over the long-term.
The new ForeverGreen "Raw Promise Program" is based on eating "real" food. www.seawellness.rawpromise.com By doing so for just 14 days, your health will improve dramatically and you will start to lose weight, have increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin....the list goes on and on.
I've attached a very easy-to-read reference about enzymes that I know you'll find interesting. www.jigsawhealth.com/pdf/how_do_enzymes_work_in_your_body_langford.pdf
Education is the key that is going to help us solve the new health crisis being caused by foodless foods or, as I like to refer to them...."Frankenfoods". Keep learning and being aware of everything you put into your body - the results will amaze you.
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