I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas as well as a Happy & Healthy New Year.
With the New Year fast approaching we all start thinking about those inevitable resolutions that we make and, hopefully, keep. As always, maintaining my health is on MY list of resolutions and to do that, becoming more active is at the top of that list. When making changes in my life, I find that taking small steps seems to work better than trying to do everything all at once. Over the past year and a half or so, I've changed the way I eat - not all at once but gradually - and am much more aware of what I'm eating, when I eat and WHY I eat. I'm not a fanatic about it and occasionally I slip up but just by making that change I have dropped about 10 pounds and feel better than I have in years!
Of course, I also believe that taking my ForeverGreen products has helped by giving me a good "support" system for the positive changes I've made. I know that when I take my FrequenSea I'm getting all of my daily nutritional requirements; my Pulse8 supports and strengthens my cardiovascular system and by taking A.I.M Transfer Factor I'm building a strong immune system that has, so far, kept me from getting colds or the flu. Some would argue that if we're eating properly we shouldn't need nutritional supplements but let's face it, none of us eats "perfectly" - we just don't have easy access to organic food and fresh produce. Even the "experts" agree that supplements are necessary in this day and age but we have to remember that supplements do not take the place of good nutrition; they are not the magic "pill" that will cure all of our health problems - they have to be used "in addition to" good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
During the holidays it's very easy to overeat and eat things that aren't very nutritious, like baking and sweets. I also find that the cold weather makes me want to eat filling, warming foods that tend to be high in carbs. That, coupled with lack of exercise make it very easy to gain weight. But, if you cave in and indulge yourself just get back on track the very next day and don't beat yourself up - the holiday season is meant to be enjoyed and that includes all of that yummy food.
I thought I'd pass on my morning "Smoothie" recipe because I've found that it's become my daily staple - I just feel so much better with my morning shake and I never used to eat breakfast at all. If you don't have a Magic Bullet, consider getting one. For $40 it's a great investment.
Here's my basic recipe:
1/4 c. coconut milk
1/2 c. 1 % milk
handful of fresh or frozen fruit
(I use frozen because it makes the shake nice and cold)
couple pieces of banana
1 scoop of "Thunder" (Forevergreen chocolate whey protein powder)
1 tbsp of ground flax seed
Put all ingredients into Magic Bullet and mix for a minute.
For a change I sometimes add 1 tbsp of molasses or some "Azul" or even some peanut butter!
As we get ready for Christmas morning and prepare to bid farewell to another year let's remember to take time for ourselves. Good health includes not only good nutrition but less stress, more exercise, more laughter, fresh air, good relationships and balance in our lives....food for thought.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

"Health" is so much more than visiting your doctor when you don't feel good. True health is achieved through "wellness"....of the body, mind and spirit...to achieve balance on all levels and to do so in a way that honors WHO you are. We are a part of Nature and, as such, should look to Nature for our wellness.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Intuitive Eating
We've all heard of "intuition", usually when referring to a woman and her uncanny sense of always knowing the right thing to do. (No offense, guys!) The dictionary defines it as "instinctive and unconscious knowing without deduction or reasoning".
When it comes to how and what we eat there is actually something called "intuitive eating" - in other words, listening to the demands of our body and feeding it what it needs, when it needs it. Notice I didn't say "listen to your BRAIN" because, chances are, the good old brain would tell you to eat Big Macs, chocolate bars and ice cream.
We all have intuition. We just have to learn to "listen"; to go inside ourselves and pay attention to what our body is trying to tell us. If we did this, there would be no overweight people, no need for diets and everyone would be a heck of a lot healthier. Intuitive eating means that just because it's 12 noon, it doesn't mean it's lunch time. It means eating when we're hungry and stopping when we're full. Tiny babies eat intuitively - on demand - although they have to trust us, their parents, to feed them properly. Little children tend to eat intuitively - at least until we impose things like "lunch time" & "supper time" on their eating habits. When a child says they're not hungry at suppertime but an hour later they're "starving" it could be because that's what their bodies are telling them and they haven't yet learned to suppress those little voices inside.
With our busy schedules and hectic lives it's hard to eat on demand but with a bit of attention & organization it can be done. For example, always carry a piece of fruit (apple, banana) with you and perhaps some nuts - something to reach for when your body tells you it's hungry. If you ignore that feeling you end up overeating when you finally do get near some food or, worse, you don't eat at all until much later in the day. A good habit to get into is eating breakfast. Your body has not had any nutrition while you slept and it needs some fuel to get going. Ideally, eat your proteins before mid-day as those provide your body with the most energy at the time when it needs that "power". By suppertime you should be eating less "energy" foods since you don't need much energy in the evening or just prior to bedtime and you don't want those heavy foods sitting in your gut trying to digest when you should be resting your body. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Because of the way most of us were brought up, supper was the biggest meal of the day and, really, that is backwards to the needs of our body. We need power/energy in the morning, something at lunch that will sustain us through the afternoon and a light meal to end the day as we gear down.
I've been talking to a lot of people lately as I've been doing the Digital Pulse Wave screening and I've noticed that a great many of them are very "self-aware". They "had a feeling" that they should do something about their health even though their doctor hadn't diagnosed them with anything. Others have told me that when they started taking meds prescribed by their doctor, they felt worse and quit taking the meds and then felt better. Whatever we call it - "gut instinct" or "that little voice inside" - we should listen to it more often because, in most cases our body will tell us what it needs.
Until next time, food for thought.....
When it comes to how and what we eat there is actually something called "intuitive eating" - in other words, listening to the demands of our body and feeding it what it needs, when it needs it. Notice I didn't say "listen to your BRAIN" because, chances are, the good old brain would tell you to eat Big Macs, chocolate bars and ice cream.
We all have intuition. We just have to learn to "listen"; to go inside ourselves and pay attention to what our body is trying to tell us. If we did this, there would be no overweight people, no need for diets and everyone would be a heck of a lot healthier. Intuitive eating means that just because it's 12 noon, it doesn't mean it's lunch time. It means eating when we're hungry and stopping when we're full. Tiny babies eat intuitively - on demand - although they have to trust us, their parents, to feed them properly. Little children tend to eat intuitively - at least until we impose things like "lunch time" & "supper time" on their eating habits. When a child says they're not hungry at suppertime but an hour later they're "starving" it could be because that's what their bodies are telling them and they haven't yet learned to suppress those little voices inside.
With our busy schedules and hectic lives it's hard to eat on demand but with a bit of attention & organization it can be done. For example, always carry a piece of fruit (apple, banana) with you and perhaps some nuts - something to reach for when your body tells you it's hungry. If you ignore that feeling you end up overeating when you finally do get near some food or, worse, you don't eat at all until much later in the day. A good habit to get into is eating breakfast. Your body has not had any nutrition while you slept and it needs some fuel to get going. Ideally, eat your proteins before mid-day as those provide your body with the most energy at the time when it needs that "power". By suppertime you should be eating less "energy" foods since you don't need much energy in the evening or just prior to bedtime and you don't want those heavy foods sitting in your gut trying to digest when you should be resting your body. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Because of the way most of us were brought up, supper was the biggest meal of the day and, really, that is backwards to the needs of our body. We need power/energy in the morning, something at lunch that will sustain us through the afternoon and a light meal to end the day as we gear down.
I've been talking to a lot of people lately as I've been doing the Digital Pulse Wave screening and I've noticed that a great many of them are very "self-aware". They "had a feeling" that they should do something about their health even though their doctor hadn't diagnosed them with anything. Others have told me that when they started taking meds prescribed by their doctor, they felt worse and quit taking the meds and then felt better. Whatever we call it - "gut instinct" or "that little voice inside" - we should listen to it more often because, in most cases our body will tell us what it needs.
Until next time, food for thought.....
Monday, October 11, 2010
One Small Thing
Most people I talk to "get it" that they could improve their health by not eating junk food; cutting coffee, sugar, trans fats and additives out of their daily meals; exercising regularly and many other things but I think it's overwhelming to most of them as to where to start. They want instant results and try to change everything all at once and that's where they're setting themselves up for failure.
We've been brought up to look for the quick fix - relief in a pill or "program" - we just want to feel better and we want it NOW! But think about how long you've been doing all of the "wrong" things and realize that it's going to take some time to change those habits. When I look back over the last year and see what changes I've made, mostly in what I consume, I'm amazed not only by how much better I feel but by how many things I used to do that I don't do now- and I don't miss them. I also realize I have a long way to go. I know I have to give up my coffee (or at least cut it down dramatically); I have to be more physically active on a daily basis and I'm working on drinking those 8 glasses of water everyday.
I'm learning to be consistent in the things I have changed and am feeling so much better for having done that but I don't beat myself up when I don't accomplish other things (like kicking my caffeine habit or going for a walk everyday). Yes, it's hard to change. Yes, sometimes I slide backwards. But life is not static. Everyday is a new day to try again and be happy for even small accomplishments because when you look back over a month or a year and realize what you HAVE accomplished it's actually pretty amazing.
My advice to those wanting to make long-term health improvements would be, first and foremost, start small. I recently talked to an 83 year old man who, when told at age 80 that he had to lose weight if he wanted to live a longer life, completely cut sugar out of his diet. That's it. NO MORE SUGAR. One thing. Granted it was probably not easy to do but it was only ONE THING that he had to focus on. Just by doing that one thing he went on to lose over 100 lbs and is feeling better at 83 than he has for many years. As a result, he's more active, eats better overall and no longer has diabetes. So from that one thing he has gone on to make other positive changes and probably didn't even have to think about them.
How many people do you know who, at 80 years of age, would have bothered to make that change? Most would have said, "Oh well, I'm old anyway, what's the use?" My conversation with that gentleman has been my new motivation. It's never too late to improve your life, your health, your relationships and it can all be done by changing just ONE SMALL THING.
On another note, I just want to share some exciting news about a NEW product being released this month by ForeverGreen - just in time for flu season. It's called "ImmunEyes" and it contains Oil of Oregano, Virgin Coconut Oil and Marine Phytoplankton. The first two ingredients have been scientifically proven to be as effective as antibiotics at killing bacteria and pathogens like e. coli and staph. But ForeverGreen has taken it one step further and added the amazing nutritional benefits of the phytoplankton to make ImmunEyes a "safe" natural alternative to flu shots. You can check it out at: www.seawellness.immuneyesdaily.com
Once again, Mother Nature has the solution to better health.
Until next week, "food" for thought.
We've been brought up to look for the quick fix - relief in a pill or "program" - we just want to feel better and we want it NOW! But think about how long you've been doing all of the "wrong" things and realize that it's going to take some time to change those habits. When I look back over the last year and see what changes I've made, mostly in what I consume, I'm amazed not only by how much better I feel but by how many things I used to do that I don't do now- and I don't miss them. I also realize I have a long way to go. I know I have to give up my coffee (or at least cut it down dramatically); I have to be more physically active on a daily basis and I'm working on drinking those 8 glasses of water everyday.
I'm learning to be consistent in the things I have changed and am feeling so much better for having done that but I don't beat myself up when I don't accomplish other things (like kicking my caffeine habit or going for a walk everyday). Yes, it's hard to change. Yes, sometimes I slide backwards. But life is not static. Everyday is a new day to try again and be happy for even small accomplishments because when you look back over a month or a year and realize what you HAVE accomplished it's actually pretty amazing.
My advice to those wanting to make long-term health improvements would be, first and foremost, start small. I recently talked to an 83 year old man who, when told at age 80 that he had to lose weight if he wanted to live a longer life, completely cut sugar out of his diet. That's it. NO MORE SUGAR. One thing. Granted it was probably not easy to do but it was only ONE THING that he had to focus on. Just by doing that one thing he went on to lose over 100 lbs and is feeling better at 83 than he has for many years. As a result, he's more active, eats better overall and no longer has diabetes. So from that one thing he has gone on to make other positive changes and probably didn't even have to think about them.
How many people do you know who, at 80 years of age, would have bothered to make that change? Most would have said, "Oh well, I'm old anyway, what's the use?" My conversation with that gentleman has been my new motivation. It's never too late to improve your life, your health, your relationships and it can all be done by changing just ONE SMALL THING.
On another note, I just want to share some exciting news about a NEW product being released this month by ForeverGreen - just in time for flu season. It's called "ImmunEyes" and it contains Oil of Oregano, Virgin Coconut Oil and Marine Phytoplankton. The first two ingredients have been scientifically proven to be as effective as antibiotics at killing bacteria and pathogens like e. coli and staph. But ForeverGreen has taken it one step further and added the amazing nutritional benefits of the phytoplankton to make ImmunEyes a "safe" natural alternative to flu shots. You can check it out at: www.seawellness.immuneyesdaily.com
Once again, Mother Nature has the solution to better health.
Until next week, "food" for thought.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Nature's Pharmacy
Flu season is upon us once again and the media feeding frenzy has begun as have the "scare tactics". I don't know what your personal views are on flu shots but I have never had a flu shot and don't plan on getting one anytime soon. Now, this could be because I generally don't get the flu but I've always just had a "gut feeling" about this subject and now that I'm taking my Holistic Nutritionist course I am more convinced than ever that there is a better way to fight the flu that won't compromise our immune system.
The human body has the amazing ability to fight pathogens, viruses and anything that threatens it but IT HAS TO BE HEALTHY to do this effectively and most of us are not that healthy to begin with. Our immune system has been weakened by years of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, being on antibiotics and getting flu shots. I think we're all aware of how overused antibiotics are and have been in the past, which has led us to a world of "superbugs" - viruses that are resistant to antibiotics. The reason this happened is because Mother Nature has a built-in protective system that applies to all living things and, like it or not, viruses and bacteria are living things. When something threatens it (like antibiotics) it naturally evolves to offset that threat. It's a vicious cycle with mankind trying to beat Nature and, if I were a betting person, I would bet on Nature winning everytime.
The really interesting thing I've learned recently is that there are products in nature that are as effective at killing pathogens and viruses as antibiotics are! One of these products from nature is Oil of Oregano. Just "Google" it and read about the amazing antibiotic properties of this essential oil. Actually, all of the essential oils have phenomonal healing properties and have been used for centuries & ForeverGreen has a whole product line of these oils - I'm definitely going to be looking more closely at them!
I am also very pleased that ForeverGreen is, once again, proving itself to be a company that is at the forefront of making clean, natural products available to those of us interested in being healthy as naturally as possible. They are launching a new product on Oct 1st called "Immuneyes" - just in time for flu season - that contains Oil of Oregano, Virgin Coconut Oil AND Marine Phytoplankton! Using products found in Nature to kill off bacteria and viruses makes a lot of sense to me - sort of like letting Nature take it's course - rather than introducing man-made pharmaceuticals into our bodies which kill off not only the "bad bugs" but also kill off any of the "good bugs" we need to have a strong immune system.
If you are someone who is skeptical about having the flu shot or would just like to educate yourself about possible natural alternatives to the flu shot and antibiotics, please visit: http://seawellness.immuneyesdaily.com/ for a short but thought-provoking video. Also watch the following 3rd party video for more very interesting information: http://www.injectionprotection.com/
I totally respect every individual's beliefs when it comes to taking care of themselves and their family. I just hope that people aren't blindly trusting in something that the government and medical authorities tells them they MUST do by using scare tactics and fear-mongering. After the H1N1 fiasco of last season, I personally don't believe much of what the "authorities" have to say. That's not to say that antibiotics and immunzations aren't important - they ARE! But I'd like to think that they're there for real life-threatening emergencies, not for a sore throat or the sniffles. Medical advancements have been huge in our lifetime but I believe preventative medicine, where we do all we can to STAY healthy, makes more sense than just depending on over-worked doctors and pharmaceuticals to "fix" us when we've let our health go.
As always, thanks for letting me rant and I hope I've left you with "food" for thought.
The human body has the amazing ability to fight pathogens, viruses and anything that threatens it but IT HAS TO BE HEALTHY to do this effectively and most of us are not that healthy to begin with. Our immune system has been weakened by years of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, being on antibiotics and getting flu shots. I think we're all aware of how overused antibiotics are and have been in the past, which has led us to a world of "superbugs" - viruses that are resistant to antibiotics. The reason this happened is because Mother Nature has a built-in protective system that applies to all living things and, like it or not, viruses and bacteria are living things. When something threatens it (like antibiotics) it naturally evolves to offset that threat. It's a vicious cycle with mankind trying to beat Nature and, if I were a betting person, I would bet on Nature winning everytime.
The really interesting thing I've learned recently is that there are products in nature that are as effective at killing pathogens and viruses as antibiotics are! One of these products from nature is Oil of Oregano. Just "Google" it and read about the amazing antibiotic properties of this essential oil. Actually, all of the essential oils have phenomonal healing properties and have been used for centuries & ForeverGreen has a whole product line of these oils - I'm definitely going to be looking more closely at them!
I am also very pleased that ForeverGreen is, once again, proving itself to be a company that is at the forefront of making clean, natural products available to those of us interested in being healthy as naturally as possible. They are launching a new product on Oct 1st called "Immuneyes" - just in time for flu season - that contains Oil of Oregano, Virgin Coconut Oil AND Marine Phytoplankton! Using products found in Nature to kill off bacteria and viruses makes a lot of sense to me - sort of like letting Nature take it's course - rather than introducing man-made pharmaceuticals into our bodies which kill off not only the "bad bugs" but also kill off any of the "good bugs" we need to have a strong immune system.
If you are someone who is skeptical about having the flu shot or would just like to educate yourself about possible natural alternatives to the flu shot and antibiotics, please visit: http://seawellness.immuneyesdaily.com/ for a short but thought-provoking video. Also watch the following 3rd party video for more very interesting information: http://www.injectionprotection.com/
I totally respect every individual's beliefs when it comes to taking care of themselves and their family. I just hope that people aren't blindly trusting in something that the government and medical authorities tells them they MUST do by using scare tactics and fear-mongering. After the H1N1 fiasco of last season, I personally don't believe much of what the "authorities" have to say. That's not to say that antibiotics and immunzations aren't important - they ARE! But I'd like to think that they're there for real life-threatening emergencies, not for a sore throat or the sniffles. Medical advancements have been huge in our lifetime but I believe preventative medicine, where we do all we can to STAY healthy, makes more sense than just depending on over-worked doctors and pharmaceuticals to "fix" us when we've let our health go.
As always, thanks for letting me rant and I hope I've left you with "food" for thought.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Restoration Biology
41 years ago a song called "In the Year 2525" by Zager & Evans was released. It's theme about man's overdependence on technology was popular as evidenced by the song's being #1 for 6 weeks on the Top 100. I remember that song because, as an elementary student, it prompted me to write a story about the future and I recall writing about our food being nothing more than a pill that we'd pop everyday and how we'd have withered arms and legs because we wouldn't need to use them - robots and machines would do everything for us. I never imagined that just a few decades later we would actually be teetering on the brink of that reality.
What brought this to mind was "Vitamin Water" of all things. I started thinking "what the heck is wrong with good old water that someone felt the need to ADD things to it?" If people are that concerned about being deficient in vitamins, maybe they should start eating something more than cardboard disguised as food. Food manufacturers take all of the nutrition out of real food and then add things back into it to ensure that it tastes better than the original, it won't spoil and, most of all, it will be convenient. By doing that they have, in many cases, changed the molecular structure so that it isn't really the same food at all - in fact, it can't even be considered FOOD anymore!
As consumers we've been led to believe that advances in technology are always for our well-being. Nothing could really be further from the truth, especially when it comes to the food we put into our bodies. Products like artificial sweetners, artificial flavors, added colors and, yes, even vitamins added to water are doing much more harm than good. The damage to our health may not show up for many years and by then the damage is done and a whole new crop of chronic diseases emerge to put more pressure on our already stressed healthcare system.
I know how confusing it is to figure out which vitamins and nutrients we're supposed to be getting when a different study comes out almost daily touting the benefits of one vitamin over another. The most recent Vitamin that's getting rave reviews is Vitamin D, which many of us in the northern part of the world often don't get enough of with our short summers and short winter days because Vitamin D is what we get from the sun. But ALL vitamins are important, as are minerals and because our "modernized" diet is sorely lacking in natural sources of these important nutrients we are usually always lacking something that our body needs.
That's why, when I found ForeverGreen products, I was happy to have found nutritional supplements that contained ALL of the daily vitamins and minerals we need and THEY CAME FROM NATURAL SOURCES. The marine phytoplankton in and of itself contains nutrition that is second to none and with the addition of specific fruits and plants I'm also ensured of getting one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any product currently on the market. The ForeverGreen product line offers restoration support in the areas of Cardio, Immune System, Weight Management, Beauty and Skin Care, Natural Energy, Physical Fitness, and overall General Health.
The improvements to my health have been many. I no longer suffer from migraines, my aches and pains are gone, my skin is smooth and younger-looking, I have more energy than I've had in ten years, I feel calm, focused and optimistic and my hot flashes have completely disappeared. I just feel GOOD! And I know it's because I'm giving my body all of the vital nutrients it needs on a daily basis. These products are also immediately bioavailable to our cells unlike capsules or pills that first have to be digested and, in most cases, don't ever get the chance to release the stated amount of the supplement.
ForeverGreen's premise is that it's not the products themselves that give us the increased health benefits but how our bodies react to having optimal nutrition provided. As Ron Williams, the President of ForeverGreen says, "our bodies will perform miracles by the minute when edified with the proper raw materials." And that, in a nutshell, is what Restoration Biology is - providing the best clean, organic food as well as marine phytoplankton to the body so that it can "restore" itself to it's true biological age. How many of us are, say, 40 years old chronologically but FEEL 60? The combination of poor food choices, stress and lack of exercise are undermining our health at a younger and younger age. School age children are obese, lethargic, depressed and, often, on the brink of health issues like cardiovascular disease and diabetes but it doesn't have to be this way.
The body we have is the only body we've been given (at least until technology is able to provide us with a new one!) so, I believe we can choose to nourish and nurture it or neglect it and see just how much it can take before it gives up. It's my hope that by the year 2525 we will have technology to thank for many things but will have also realized that the greatest "gift" we possess is the body in which we reside - and it is up to us, not technology, to take care of it.
Until next time, "food" for thought.
What brought this to mind was "Vitamin Water" of all things. I started thinking "what the heck is wrong with good old water that someone felt the need to ADD things to it?" If people are that concerned about being deficient in vitamins, maybe they should start eating something more than cardboard disguised as food. Food manufacturers take all of the nutrition out of real food and then add things back into it to ensure that it tastes better than the original, it won't spoil and, most of all, it will be convenient. By doing that they have, in many cases, changed the molecular structure so that it isn't really the same food at all - in fact, it can't even be considered FOOD anymore!
As consumers we've been led to believe that advances in technology are always for our well-being. Nothing could really be further from the truth, especially when it comes to the food we put into our bodies. Products like artificial sweetners, artificial flavors, added colors and, yes, even vitamins added to water are doing much more harm than good. The damage to our health may not show up for many years and by then the damage is done and a whole new crop of chronic diseases emerge to put more pressure on our already stressed healthcare system.
I know how confusing it is to figure out which vitamins and nutrients we're supposed to be getting when a different study comes out almost daily touting the benefits of one vitamin over another. The most recent Vitamin that's getting rave reviews is Vitamin D, which many of us in the northern part of the world often don't get enough of with our short summers and short winter days because Vitamin D is what we get from the sun. But ALL vitamins are important, as are minerals and because our "modernized" diet is sorely lacking in natural sources of these important nutrients we are usually always lacking something that our body needs.
That's why, when I found ForeverGreen products, I was happy to have found nutritional supplements that contained ALL of the daily vitamins and minerals we need and THEY CAME FROM NATURAL SOURCES. The marine phytoplankton in and of itself contains nutrition that is second to none and with the addition of specific fruits and plants I'm also ensured of getting one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any product currently on the market. The ForeverGreen product line offers restoration support in the areas of Cardio, Immune System, Weight Management, Beauty and Skin Care, Natural Energy, Physical Fitness, and overall General Health.
The improvements to my health have been many. I no longer suffer from migraines, my aches and pains are gone, my skin is smooth and younger-looking, I have more energy than I've had in ten years, I feel calm, focused and optimistic and my hot flashes have completely disappeared. I just feel GOOD! And I know it's because I'm giving my body all of the vital nutrients it needs on a daily basis. These products are also immediately bioavailable to our cells unlike capsules or pills that first have to be digested and, in most cases, don't ever get the chance to release the stated amount of the supplement.
ForeverGreen's premise is that it's not the products themselves that give us the increased health benefits but how our bodies react to having optimal nutrition provided. As Ron Williams, the President of ForeverGreen says, "our bodies will perform miracles by the minute when edified with the proper raw materials." And that, in a nutshell, is what Restoration Biology is - providing the best clean, organic food as well as marine phytoplankton to the body so that it can "restore" itself to it's true biological age. How many of us are, say, 40 years old chronologically but FEEL 60? The combination of poor food choices, stress and lack of exercise are undermining our health at a younger and younger age. School age children are obese, lethargic, depressed and, often, on the brink of health issues like cardiovascular disease and diabetes but it doesn't have to be this way.
The body we have is the only body we've been given (at least until technology is able to provide us with a new one!) so, I believe we can choose to nourish and nurture it or neglect it and see just how much it can take before it gives up. It's my hope that by the year 2525 we will have technology to thank for many things but will have also realized that the greatest "gift" we possess is the body in which we reside - and it is up to us, not technology, to take care of it.
Until next time, "food" for thought.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Chew, Chew, Chew
During this personal quest of mine for better health I am finding that "self-awareness" is a key component. For example, in my last blog I talked about reading labels and keeping track of how much sugar you're actually eating daily. I'd love to hear from any of you who are doing this and if you were surprised by what you found. When we become more aware of what's going into our mouths it's amazing how our usual habits start to change, little by little.
Today, I'm going to ask you another question: "How many times do you chew a mouthful of food when you're eating?" Now, you may be thinking this is sort of a strange question but do me a favour and, tonight when you're eating supper, count how many times you chew each bite.
Digestion of food begins in our mouths - in fact, it's one of the most important steps in the digestive process. And, let's face it, if your food isn't being properly digested and just sits like a lump inside you you're bound to have symptoms like indigestion and uncomfortable feelings of fullness. Worse than that, because the food isn't being broken down properly, your body is not getting the nutritional value from that food that it so desperately needs to function. Poor digestion leads to many chronic ailments like a weakened immune system, allergies, chronic fatigue, arthritis, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, and skin disorders. Quite often, symptoms that we think are just from getting older, can be eliminated by changing how we eat and what we eat.
To make sure your digestive system has a fighting chance to work properly, you should chew soft foods 5 to 10 times and harder foods like meat up to 30 times before swallowing. When I first started counting my own bites it was quite funny! My hubby had always teased me about how fast I ate, saying I "inhaled" my food. He was almost right! My average number of "chews" was about 5 - including meat! Wow! Now I'm really trying to chew, chew, chew and I'm finding that 1) I don't eat as much before I feel full and 2) it takes longer to eat so I'm relaxing more during the meal which is important too.
Another important point that surprised me (but makes sense) is you shouldn't drink water or other beverages, like a big glass of milk with meals. Doing so actually slows down digestion because the liquid dilutes the stomach acids and they aren't as strong as they need to be to do the best job. Drink your fluids 20-30 minutes BEFORE or AFTER the meal.
Who knew feeding ourselves was so complicated? I hope you're trying some of the things I'm throwing out there and please let me know if any of it's making a difference in how you feel. I know it is for me. Feel free to email me with your comments or observations: seawellness@hotmail.com
Until next week, enjoy the last long weekend of summer! Let's hope we get decent weather!
Today, I'm going to ask you another question: "How many times do you chew a mouthful of food when you're eating?" Now, you may be thinking this is sort of a strange question but do me a favour and, tonight when you're eating supper, count how many times you chew each bite.
Digestion of food begins in our mouths - in fact, it's one of the most important steps in the digestive process. And, let's face it, if your food isn't being properly digested and just sits like a lump inside you you're bound to have symptoms like indigestion and uncomfortable feelings of fullness. Worse than that, because the food isn't being broken down properly, your body is not getting the nutritional value from that food that it so desperately needs to function. Poor digestion leads to many chronic ailments like a weakened immune system, allergies, chronic fatigue, arthritis, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, and skin disorders. Quite often, symptoms that we think are just from getting older, can be eliminated by changing how we eat and what we eat.
To make sure your digestive system has a fighting chance to work properly, you should chew soft foods 5 to 10 times and harder foods like meat up to 30 times before swallowing. When I first started counting my own bites it was quite funny! My hubby had always teased me about how fast I ate, saying I "inhaled" my food. He was almost right! My average number of "chews" was about 5 - including meat! Wow! Now I'm really trying to chew, chew, chew and I'm finding that 1) I don't eat as much before I feel full and 2) it takes longer to eat so I'm relaxing more during the meal which is important too.
Another important point that surprised me (but makes sense) is you shouldn't drink water or other beverages, like a big glass of milk with meals. Doing so actually slows down digestion because the liquid dilutes the stomach acids and they aren't as strong as they need to be to do the best job. Drink your fluids 20-30 minutes BEFORE or AFTER the meal.
Who knew feeding ourselves was so complicated? I hope you're trying some of the things I'm throwing out there and please let me know if any of it's making a difference in how you feel. I know it is for me. Feel free to email me with your comments or observations: seawellness@hotmail.com
Until next week, enjoy the last long weekend of summer! Let's hope we get decent weather!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Too Much of a Sweet Thing?
One of the biggest contributors to our poor state of health these days is sugar. That’s not to say our bodies don’t need sugar – they do, just as we need salt, fats, carbs, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The key is to get all of this in a BALANCE that is best for how our body functions.
Studies show that the average North American intake of refined sugar is somewhere between 15 tsps (60 g) and 25 tsps (100 g) a DAY or 120 lbs a year! Keep in mind that is only sugar we get from processed and fast foods. It doesn’t include naturally-occurring sugars from wholesome foods . To maintain good health we should try and stay under about 40 grams of refined sugar intake per day. Less than that is even better. And don't make the mistake that many people do by thinking that artificial sweetners are better for you because they absolutely ARE NOT unless they are from a naturally-occurring source like stevia, xylitol or agave.
Too much sugar in our bloodstream or sugar overload can cause sinus congestion, frequent colds, migraines, asthma, backaches, hypoglycemia, sleepiness, bloating, immune system dysfunction, indigestion, loss of short-term memory, water retention and yeast infections, to name a few. And if that isn’t enough, sugar is empty calories meaning it has absolutely no nutrient value. None of us would knowingly eat 120 lbs of extra sugar a year, would we? I don't think so. The problem is we don’t realize that a lot of what we’re eating has high amounts of sugar. It’s time we found out.
I bring up this topic because since I’ve learned this I’ve started reading food labels to keep track of how much extra sugar I’m getting each day and it has astounded me! I’m not one who craves sweets and I’m trying to eat healthier these days but I am blown away by how much sugar I’m getting from foods I never would have suspected. Let me give you some examples:
- Honey Nut Cheerios: 9 g/serving
- Flavored yogurt: approx 10 g/100 grams *depending on brand and flavor
- Whole kernel corn, canned,: 5 g/ 1/3 cup
- Tomato soup: 13 g/1/2 cup
- Quaker Instant Oatmeal: 13 g/1 packet
- Ketchup: 4 g/tbsp
- Wheat Thin crackers: 4 g/serving
See how fast seemingly “healthy” food adds up? Now let’s look at an example of what a teenager might eat for, say, breakfast and lunch:
- 1 bowl of Frosted Flakes: 13 g
- ½ c. 1% milk: 6 g.
- Big Mac: 9 g
- Medium Coke: 56 g !!
This kid is already at 84 grams of sugar and it's only lunch time! Is it any wonder today’s kids are overweight, diabetic and being diagnosed with ADHD? As adults let’s set good examples and try to provide children with healthier choices just by being “informed consumers”. Teach kids to read labels and make a game of keeping track of the sugar (and fat and sodium) they might be getting by making certain choices. If we make them more aware at a young age they will, at least, be armed with knowledge to make that choice. As it is now, they assume (as I did) that what we’re feeding them or what they’re choosing to eat must be good for them because, after all, it’s “food”.
Just for the heck of it, track how much sugar you’re eating on an average day. I think you will be surprised. Read the labels of everything, even things that aren’t sweet just to see how many empty calories you might be getting. And if you have some of the symptoms of the health problems previously listed, maybe try to cut back on your sugar intake or ever quit sugar completely for a day or 2 and see if you feel any better. If you notice a difference that might be the clue you need to get on the road to improving your health.
Studies show that the average North American intake of refined sugar is somewhere between 15 tsps (60 g) and 25 tsps (100 g) a DAY or 120 lbs a year! Keep in mind that is only sugar we get from processed and fast foods. It doesn’t include naturally-occurring sugars from wholesome foods . To maintain good health we should try and stay under about 40 grams of refined sugar intake per day. Less than that is even better. And don't make the mistake that many people do by thinking that artificial sweetners are better for you because they absolutely ARE NOT unless they are from a naturally-occurring source like stevia, xylitol or agave.
Too much sugar in our bloodstream or sugar overload can cause sinus congestion, frequent colds, migraines, asthma, backaches, hypoglycemia, sleepiness, bloating, immune system dysfunction, indigestion, loss of short-term memory, water retention and yeast infections, to name a few. And if that isn’t enough, sugar is empty calories meaning it has absolutely no nutrient value. None of us would knowingly eat 120 lbs of extra sugar a year, would we? I don't think so. The problem is we don’t realize that a lot of what we’re eating has high amounts of sugar. It’s time we found out.
I bring up this topic because since I’ve learned this I’ve started reading food labels to keep track of how much extra sugar I’m getting each day and it has astounded me! I’m not one who craves sweets and I’m trying to eat healthier these days but I am blown away by how much sugar I’m getting from foods I never would have suspected. Let me give you some examples:
- Honey Nut Cheerios: 9 g/serving
- Flavored yogurt: approx 10 g/100 grams *depending on brand and flavor
- Whole kernel corn, canned,: 5 g/ 1/3 cup
- Tomato soup: 13 g/1/2 cup
- Quaker Instant Oatmeal: 13 g/1 packet
- Ketchup: 4 g/tbsp
- Wheat Thin crackers: 4 g/serving
See how fast seemingly “healthy” food adds up? Now let’s look at an example of what a teenager might eat for, say, breakfast and lunch:
- 1 bowl of Frosted Flakes: 13 g
- ½ c. 1% milk: 6 g.
- Big Mac: 9 g
- Medium Coke: 56 g !!
This kid is already at 84 grams of sugar and it's only lunch time! Is it any wonder today’s kids are overweight, diabetic and being diagnosed with ADHD? As adults let’s set good examples and try to provide children with healthier choices just by being “informed consumers”. Teach kids to read labels and make a game of keeping track of the sugar (and fat and sodium) they might be getting by making certain choices. If we make them more aware at a young age they will, at least, be armed with knowledge to make that choice. As it is now, they assume (as I did) that what we’re feeding them or what they’re choosing to eat must be good for them because, after all, it’s “food”.
Just for the heck of it, track how much sugar you’re eating on an average day. I think you will be surprised. Read the labels of everything, even things that aren’t sweet just to see how many empty calories you might be getting. And if you have some of the symptoms of the health problems previously listed, maybe try to cut back on your sugar intake or ever quit sugar completely for a day or 2 and see if you feel any better. If you notice a difference that might be the clue you need to get on the road to improving your health.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Go Inside and Listen
How many of us are actually "aware" when we're eating of how WHAT we're eating may be affecting us? Certain types of foods work better for one person than for another depending on our unique metabolic type. Even when we think we're eating a healthy diet - the good old "meat & potatoes" that we were raised on - it may not be the best fuel for our particular needs. That's why holistic nutritionists don't usually follow the "Food Guides" - these guides are very general and, quite often, are completely wrong for some metabolic types.
I've been changing the way I eat over the past several months and it's been a real eye-opener. I've always been drawn to starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and now I'm much more conscious of what's going into my mouth, how my body uses it and why my body needs it so, while I still eat those starchy foods, I do so very rarely and in much smaller portions. I find I feel better when I eat more salads, vegetables and fruits and, as someone who never used to eat breakfast, I make sure I always have a smoothie in the morning with protein powder, fruits and plain yogurt. I don't have the highs and lows during the day that I used to have - where I'd be starving by lunch and then tired and sluggish after lunch. What I find so interesting now, is that instead of just "eating to eat", I now think about what I've already eaten and what else my body might need to get the proper balance of nutrients for the day. And, as I'm learning in my nutritional course, that balance can make all the difference between being healthy and being chronically ill. People really do have the power to be healthier and happier if they just start to pay attention to what their body is telling them. If you are constantly tired, achey, depressed, get headaches often, have high blood pressure or have an inflammatory ailment like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue your body is sending you messages that you should listen to. By all means, a visit to your doctor for a checkup is suggested but, while you're waiting to get in to see the doc, try changing the way you eat - even little changes could positively affect how you're feeling. I suggest printing out the Daily Food Plan: http://mercola.fileburst.com/nt/pdf/LEARNING_TO_LISTEN_TO_YOUR_BODY2.pdf
and fill it out for a few days. You may be surprised to see a pattern emerging as you track what you're eating and how you feel after you eat. Again, it's all about being more self-aware.
If you want to find out what metabolic "type" you are, take the following test. Pretty interesting.
It's FREE to take, you just have to subscribe to the Mercola newsletter (also free!).
Of course, as added "insurance" that I'm getting all of the required vitamins and minerals I need I always take my ForeverGreen products - they just make everything better!
Until next time, take care!
"Big opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day."
I've been changing the way I eat over the past several months and it's been a real eye-opener. I've always been drawn to starchy foods like bread, pasta, potatoes and now I'm much more conscious of what's going into my mouth, how my body uses it and why my body needs it so, while I still eat those starchy foods, I do so very rarely and in much smaller portions. I find I feel better when I eat more salads, vegetables and fruits and, as someone who never used to eat breakfast, I make sure I always have a smoothie in the morning with protein powder, fruits and plain yogurt. I don't have the highs and lows during the day that I used to have - where I'd be starving by lunch and then tired and sluggish after lunch. What I find so interesting now, is that instead of just "eating to eat", I now think about what I've already eaten and what else my body might need to get the proper balance of nutrients for the day. And, as I'm learning in my nutritional course, that balance can make all the difference between being healthy and being chronically ill. People really do have the power to be healthier and happier if they just start to pay attention to what their body is telling them. If you are constantly tired, achey, depressed, get headaches often, have high blood pressure or have an inflammatory ailment like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue your body is sending you messages that you should listen to. By all means, a visit to your doctor for a checkup is suggested but, while you're waiting to get in to see the doc, try changing the way you eat - even little changes could positively affect how you're feeling. I suggest printing out the Daily Food Plan: http://mercola.fileburst.com/nt/pdf/LEARNING_TO_LISTEN_TO_YOUR_BODY2.pdf
and fill it out for a few days. You may be surprised to see a pattern emerging as you track what you're eating and how you feel after you eat. Again, it's all about being more self-aware.
If you want to find out what metabolic "type" you are, take the following test. Pretty interesting.
It's FREE to take, you just have to subscribe to the Mercola newsletter (also free!).
Of course, as added "insurance" that I'm getting all of the required vitamins and minerals I need I always take my ForeverGreen products - they just make everything better!
Until next time, take care!
"Big opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Statin Drugs - Not the "Saviour" We Thought?
If you or anyone you know is currently taking a statin drug for high cholesterol (Crestor, Lipitor) PLEASE read this article from Dr. Mercola. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/10/making-sense-of-your-cholesterol-numbers.aspx
Once again, evidence is emerging that these drugs may not help you and could possibly be causing more harm than good. And, again, it keeps coming back to the importance of JUST EATING PROPERLY! Our bodies are made to function perfectly IF GIVEN THE PROPER FUEL! Prescription drugs do nothing more than mask symptoms, disrupt the way the systems in the body work and make pharmaceutical companies and doctors RICH!
Let's get rid of the "lemming mentality"** and start thinking for ourselves and listening to what our body is trying to tell us.
**a member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to destruction for all of them
Once again, evidence is emerging that these drugs may not help you and could possibly be causing more harm than good. And, again, it keeps coming back to the importance of JUST EATING PROPERLY! Our bodies are made to function perfectly IF GIVEN THE PROPER FUEL! Prescription drugs do nothing more than mask symptoms, disrupt the way the systems in the body work and make pharmaceutical companies and doctors RICH!
Let's get rid of the "lemming mentality"** and start thinking for ourselves and listening to what our body is trying to tell us.
**a member of a large group of people who blindly follow one another on a course of action that will lead to destruction for all of them
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vitamin "L" - Are You Getting/Giving Enough?
I just completed my lesson on Vitamins in my Holistic Nutritionist course and wanted to pass on what I learned about Vitamin "L" because, first of all, it made me smile and secondly, it made sense and I can totally understand why this "vitamin" is so important. Sadly, many people are lacking this essential "nutrient".
Vitamin "L" is absolutely necessary for optimal functioning of people, their cells, tissues and organs and is used to heal/prevent a wide variety of diseases. Fear, anger, worry and self-concern and many other emotions can destroy Vitamin "L". It is very important to heart function and the circulation of warmth and joy.
Vitamin "L" is found easily in Moms & Dads and is highly concentrated in Grandparents. :) It's also found in cats and dogs and other pets; in the beauty of nature and in home-cooked meals. Infants and small children require fairly large doses but every living person cannot function properly without it.
Symptoms of Vitamin "L" deficiency include fatigue, muscle tension, increased stress, stomach upset and relationship problems. Vitamin "L" is also the only vitamin that can be transferred to others and improve their lives as well. The whole body works better when there is plenty of "LOVE". A minimum of 4 hugs a day will help prevent Vitamin "L" deficiency; 6 hugs a day for maintenance and 10 hugs a day for growth.
I just had to share this because holistic practitioners believe that in order for the body to function properly and heal itself, one must have optimum performance in the "whole" person - body, mind and soul - because they are all linked and a deficiency in one area will affect all areas. Make sense? It sure does to me! Until next time.....
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come but small ones surround us every day" Sally Koch
Vitamin "L" is absolutely necessary for optimal functioning of people, their cells, tissues and organs and is used to heal/prevent a wide variety of diseases. Fear, anger, worry and self-concern and many other emotions can destroy Vitamin "L". It is very important to heart function and the circulation of warmth and joy.
Vitamin "L" is found easily in Moms & Dads and is highly concentrated in Grandparents. :) It's also found in cats and dogs and other pets; in the beauty of nature and in home-cooked meals. Infants and small children require fairly large doses but every living person cannot function properly without it.
Symptoms of Vitamin "L" deficiency include fatigue, muscle tension, increased stress, stomach upset and relationship problems. Vitamin "L" is also the only vitamin that can be transferred to others and improve their lives as well. The whole body works better when there is plenty of "LOVE". A minimum of 4 hugs a day will help prevent Vitamin "L" deficiency; 6 hugs a day for maintenance and 10 hugs a day for growth.
I just had to share this because holistic practitioners believe that in order for the body to function properly and heal itself, one must have optimum performance in the "whole" person - body, mind and soul - because they are all linked and a deficiency in one area will affect all areas. Make sense? It sure does to me! Until next time.....
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come but small ones surround us every day" Sally Koch
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Be Open to Learning
I just read the most intriguing article which theorizes that most allergies and autoimmune diseases are caused by undigested food in the body. This food sludge builds up, decays and releases toxins into our systems. As our body tries to attack and destroy these "intruder" toxins it results in symptoms like inflammation, fatigue, stuffiness, headaches and can eventually lead to more serious diseases like cancer. The reason we have all this build-up of decaying food is that we no longer get enough enzymes and flora (good bacteria) in our food. It actually made a lot of sense to me.
When a person's diet consists mainly of Big Macs, pizza, french fries, soft drinks, potato chips and canned or packaged food they are getting ZERO enzymes (and close to zero nutrients) and flora. Enzymes are what break down foods and help us digest them. When that doesn't happen the food just sits there and, well, rots. We get enzymes from raw foods. Cooking food kills its enzymes. Some foods that are high in enzymes are bananas, avocadoes and mangos. There are also enzyme supplements available but, if you're eating a well-balanced, whole-food diet that includes raw vegetables and fruits you should be getting all of the enzymes you need.
Probiotic flora, or good bacteria get destroyed in our bodies by things like antibiotics, antacids, prescription and over-the-counter medications, pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol, white sugar, carbonated drinks and antihistamines. When this good bacteria is killed off, the bad bacteria multiplies - again resulting in many adverse health conditions.
I really believe that most of us don't really think about "how" our bodies work - we just assume that they will keep going, no matter what we put into them or how we abuse them. This holistic nutrition course I'm taking has really made me appreciate what a miraculous thing our body is and how it will function so much better if we put "real" food into it. If we take a moment to think about what we're eating and what we're putting in our grocery carts we will, hopefully, make better choices and take some steps toward better health. I hope that some of what I share with you each week will resonate and, perhaps, help you take control over things you CAN control.
Just knowing that fast food, processed food, canned food and man-made food basically has ZERO nutrition value has made me think about EACH AND EVERY meal I have during the day. I don't think any of us can change how we eat overnight but just by adding more fresh vegetables, fruits and wholesome foods and restricting those zero-nutrition foods so you're not eating them everyday will make a huge difference in improving your overall well-being.
And, even if you can't or don't ALWAYS eat health-smart foods consider adding a good-quality nutritional supplement. That's why I take my FrequenSea, Azul and Pulse 8 every day. (www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html)
I feel so much better knowing that, no matter what, I'm getting the daily benefits of these "whole-food" supplements and giving my body the balanced nutrition it needs to have a fighting chance.
So, be open to learning about how your body works, what it needs to function properly and improve your health and what kinds of food have the best nutritional value and which ones have NO nutritional value. You'll be surprised how just being more aware will make you start to make better choices.
When a person's diet consists mainly of Big Macs, pizza, french fries, soft drinks, potato chips and canned or packaged food they are getting ZERO enzymes (and close to zero nutrients) and flora. Enzymes are what break down foods and help us digest them. When that doesn't happen the food just sits there and, well, rots. We get enzymes from raw foods. Cooking food kills its enzymes. Some foods that are high in enzymes are bananas, avocadoes and mangos. There are also enzyme supplements available but, if you're eating a well-balanced, whole-food diet that includes raw vegetables and fruits you should be getting all of the enzymes you need.
Probiotic flora, or good bacteria get destroyed in our bodies by things like antibiotics, antacids, prescription and over-the-counter medications, pain relievers like Advil and Tylenol, white sugar, carbonated drinks and antihistamines. When this good bacteria is killed off, the bad bacteria multiplies - again resulting in many adverse health conditions.
I really believe that most of us don't really think about "how" our bodies work - we just assume that they will keep going, no matter what we put into them or how we abuse them. This holistic nutrition course I'm taking has really made me appreciate what a miraculous thing our body is and how it will function so much better if we put "real" food into it. If we take a moment to think about what we're eating and what we're putting in our grocery carts we will, hopefully, make better choices and take some steps toward better health. I hope that some of what I share with you each week will resonate and, perhaps, help you take control over things you CAN control.
Just knowing that fast food, processed food, canned food and man-made food basically has ZERO nutrition value has made me think about EACH AND EVERY meal I have during the day. I don't think any of us can change how we eat overnight but just by adding more fresh vegetables, fruits and wholesome foods and restricting those zero-nutrition foods so you're not eating them everyday will make a huge difference in improving your overall well-being.
And, even if you can't or don't ALWAYS eat health-smart foods consider adding a good-quality nutritional supplement. That's why I take my FrequenSea, Azul and Pulse 8 every day. (www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html)
I feel so much better knowing that, no matter what, I'm getting the daily benefits of these "whole-food" supplements and giving my body the balanced nutrition it needs to have a fighting chance.
So, be open to learning about how your body works, what it needs to function properly and improve your health and what kinds of food have the best nutritional value and which ones have NO nutritional value. You'll be surprised how just being more aware will make you start to make better choices.
Friday, July 9, 2010
"If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On..."
That thought crossed my mind this week when I was out walking and "bee bopping" to the great tunes on my iPod! There is something about music that makes us feel so good! I guess it can make us feel bad too if it's depressing music but, my point is, that music has such power over our emotions and is one of those things in life we take for granted and probably don't listen to and/or enjoy often enough.
Music can also bookmark defining moments of our life and, just by hearing a certain song, you can be transported back in time. First kiss, first dance, best friend, graduation, your wedding, a funeral....
I love walking to music! It makes the time fly by and I find myself picking up the pace and, sometimes, even doing a little two-step down the sidewalk! Even here, at the store, we just got some new Canton speakers in and OMG! I close my eyes and can "see" the performers right in front of me and hear every instrument! It gives me a whole new appreciation for music that's for sure!
I just heard an announcement that April Wine is coming to Estevan in November and that brought a smile to my face as I started running through those tunes in my head. Ah, the memories from "Tonight is a Wonderful Night to Fall in Love" and "Rock n' Roll is a Vicious Game"....Those of you who were teenagers in the 70's will know what I'm talking about...nudge, nudge. And remember "The Eagles"? "SuperTramp"? "CCR"? "Bob Seger"? "BTO"? THE BEE GEES!!?
I think that, just like putting good nutrition into our bodies for optimum health, we should remember to use music to "feed" our soul. Listen to it; feel it; absorb it and let it take you back in time or cause you to dance like no one is watching.
On that note...I gotta go and download some of those great songs from my "youth" onto my iPod!
Until next week....rock on!
Music can also bookmark defining moments of our life and, just by hearing a certain song, you can be transported back in time. First kiss, first dance, best friend, graduation, your wedding, a funeral....
I love walking to music! It makes the time fly by and I find myself picking up the pace and, sometimes, even doing a little two-step down the sidewalk! Even here, at the store, we just got some new Canton speakers in and OMG! I close my eyes and can "see" the performers right in front of me and hear every instrument! It gives me a whole new appreciation for music that's for sure!
I just heard an announcement that April Wine is coming to Estevan in November and that brought a smile to my face as I started running through those tunes in my head. Ah, the memories from "Tonight is a Wonderful Night to Fall in Love" and "Rock n' Roll is a Vicious Game"....Those of you who were teenagers in the 70's will know what I'm talking about...nudge, nudge. And remember "The Eagles"? "SuperTramp"? "CCR"? "Bob Seger"? "BTO"? THE BEE GEES!!?
I think that, just like putting good nutrition into our bodies for optimum health, we should remember to use music to "feed" our soul. Listen to it; feel it; absorb it and let it take you back in time or cause you to dance like no one is watching.
On that note...I gotta go and download some of those great songs from my "youth" onto my iPod!
Until next week....rock on!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Begin at the Beginning
The big news item recently was that processed baby and toddler foods contain a LOT of added sugar. More than half of baby and toddler foods at Canadian grocery stores have too many calories coming from sugar, according to a study by the University of Calgary.
The study focused on a new category of processed foods such as toddler cereal bars, cookies, fruit snacks and yogurts. It showed 53 per cent of these foods had more than 20 per cent of calories coming from sugar and some even had more than 80 per cent of calories from sugar.
You know, babies aren't born craving sugar and salt. For some reason parents seem to think that baby food would be more palatable for the little ones if it was sweeter or saltier (sort of how Mom & Dad prefer food). But babies don't know the difference if it's never introduced to them! Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, ADHD and allergies continue to increase as the predominant illnessess found in children and, what's so tragic is, it's totally preventable. On a positive note I do think that more and more young moms are starting to do things like make their own babyfood and avoid processed foods.
If babies and toddlers are fed wholesome foods WITHOUT added sugar & salt they will be a lot healthier and grow up to have good eating habits. But when grownups start feeding them "treats" like candy, soft drinks, ice cream and dessert (which, by the way, is NOT necessary to end a meal with)that's when they become "picky" eaters and we start bribing them to eat the good stuff so they can have the bad stuff as a "reward".
So, it's my hope that if we can begin good eating habits when they're babies and toddlers, the next generation WON'T be the sickest generation in history.
Just to let you all know....I've almost completed my 30 BPro screenings for Digital Pulse Wave analysis so will be certified VERY SOON and will be available to offer screenings to everyone! For any of you who've been screened I hope you found it to be an "eye-opener". What I think is so great about it is that with this knowledge you have a headstart and can take steps to halt & reverse heart disease with modifications to your diet and lifestyle rather than having no choice but to go on prescription drugs which don't generally treat the cause of the problem but suppress the symptoms. When our body has symptoms, it's trying to tell us something isn't right. When we supress those symptoms we think everything is fine when, really, whatever it was that caused the symptoms is still there causing more damage but, because we feel better we don't address the problem.
If anyone is interested in being screened, let me know and I will do my best to get it done for you. (Assuming you live fairly close to me-say, within 50 kms!) You could even invite friends and family over and we could do a whole group at the same time! I like that the screenings generally initiate a conversation about health and healthy eating. It's all about education - if you're armed with knowledge you have a powerful tool for making positive changes - and that could save your life!
Until next week...
The study focused on a new category of processed foods such as toddler cereal bars, cookies, fruit snacks and yogurts. It showed 53 per cent of these foods had more than 20 per cent of calories coming from sugar and some even had more than 80 per cent of calories from sugar.
You know, babies aren't born craving sugar and salt. For some reason parents seem to think that baby food would be more palatable for the little ones if it was sweeter or saltier (sort of how Mom & Dad prefer food). But babies don't know the difference if it's never introduced to them! Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, ADHD and allergies continue to increase as the predominant illnessess found in children and, what's so tragic is, it's totally preventable. On a positive note I do think that more and more young moms are starting to do things like make their own babyfood and avoid processed foods.
If babies and toddlers are fed wholesome foods WITHOUT added sugar & salt they will be a lot healthier and grow up to have good eating habits. But when grownups start feeding them "treats" like candy, soft drinks, ice cream and dessert (which, by the way, is NOT necessary to end a meal with)that's when they become "picky" eaters and we start bribing them to eat the good stuff so they can have the bad stuff as a "reward".
So, it's my hope that if we can begin good eating habits when they're babies and toddlers, the next generation WON'T be the sickest generation in history.
Just to let you all know....I've almost completed my 30 BPro screenings for Digital Pulse Wave analysis so will be certified VERY SOON and will be available to offer screenings to everyone! For any of you who've been screened I hope you found it to be an "eye-opener". What I think is so great about it is that with this knowledge you have a headstart and can take steps to halt & reverse heart disease with modifications to your diet and lifestyle rather than having no choice but to go on prescription drugs which don't generally treat the cause of the problem but suppress the symptoms. When our body has symptoms, it's trying to tell us something isn't right. When we supress those symptoms we think everything is fine when, really, whatever it was that caused the symptoms is still there causing more damage but, because we feel better we don't address the problem.
If anyone is interested in being screened, let me know and I will do my best to get it done for you. (Assuming you live fairly close to me-say, within 50 kms!) You could even invite friends and family over and we could do a whole group at the same time! I like that the screenings generally initiate a conversation about health and healthy eating. It's all about education - if you're armed with knowledge you have a powerful tool for making positive changes - and that could save your life!
Until next week...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Forks Over Knives
Just got back from Lethbridge. Wow, they have a lot of water laying around out there! My BPro Training went well. A couple more weeks and I'll be holding clinics in the Estevan area.
To recap what Digital Pulse Wave analysis is: a quick, non-invasive, affordable method for early detection of cardiovascular disease. In a matter of minutes, a Pulse Wave screening can measure the overall health of your cardiovascular system and determine if the heart and arteries are in the normal, borderline or abnormal range. Proven to be 99.8% accurate, the screening can often motivate a person to make appropriate changes in their lifestyle to help lower their risk of Cardiovascular disease.
I've also been doing a lot of reading as part of my Holistic Nutritionist course and a couple of books I have to recommend are: "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. Both books give startling evidence about the connection between nutrition and most degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's also a documentary coming out this summer called "Forks Over Knives" that's based on the China Study and it's going to be very controversial. To think that WHAT WE EAT could be the "cure" for the very diseases that are bankrupting our governments is NOT what big pharmaceutical companies want and, you can be sure, they will do everything they can to discount this compelling study! Yet many of us ARE starting to realize that each of us does indeed hold the key to our good health. These books show that changing our diets can actually reverse disease once we've got it! That's what I personally find so interesting and is the reason I'm taking this course and holding Pulse Wave screenings....to give people the knowledge they need ie. early detection and dietary changes to vastly change their health and enjoy quality of life without depending on drugs.
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of holistic and naturopathic doctors and practitioners. Things like Reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and holistic nutrition work on the assumption that our mind, body and spirit work best when they are in sync. Fascinating stuff! And what I find is that "it makes SENSE"!
To recap what Digital Pulse Wave analysis is: a quick, non-invasive, affordable method for early detection of cardiovascular disease. In a matter of minutes, a Pulse Wave screening can measure the overall health of your cardiovascular system and determine if the heart and arteries are in the normal, borderline or abnormal range. Proven to be 99.8% accurate, the screening can often motivate a person to make appropriate changes in their lifestyle to help lower their risk of Cardiovascular disease.
I've also been doing a lot of reading as part of my Holistic Nutritionist course and a couple of books I have to recommend are: "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. Both books give startling evidence about the connection between nutrition and most degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's also a documentary coming out this summer called "Forks Over Knives" that's based on the China Study and it's going to be very controversial. To think that WHAT WE EAT could be the "cure" for the very diseases that are bankrupting our governments is NOT what big pharmaceutical companies want and, you can be sure, they will do everything they can to discount this compelling study! Yet many of us ARE starting to realize that each of us does indeed hold the key to our good health. These books show that changing our diets can actually reverse disease once we've got it! That's what I personally find so interesting and is the reason I'm taking this course and holding Pulse Wave screenings....to give people the knowledge they need ie. early detection and dietary changes to vastly change their health and enjoy quality of life without depending on drugs.
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of holistic and naturopathic doctors and practitioners. Things like Reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and holistic nutrition work on the assumption that our mind, body and spirit work best when they are in sync. Fascinating stuff! And what I find is that "it makes SENSE"!
Anyway, check out this link: www.forksoverknives.com
and be sure and watch for it when it comes out.
Have a great weekend and try and stay dry!
Friday, June 18, 2010
How OLD is YOUR Cardiovascular System?
Well, I'm off to Lethbridge next week to FINALLY get certified to administer Digital Pulse Wave Screening! I've been waiting for several months and it's now just around the corner. I'm very excited to be able to offer this important diagnostic tool to people.
The BPro device captures the Central Aortic Systolic Pressure right out of the Aorta through the Radial Artery of the wrist. In about 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you the "chronological" age of your cardiovascular system. This non-invasive screening is important for the early detection of heart/cardiovascular disease and, perhaps, more importantly, gives us the ability to take steps through improved nutrition, lifestyle changes and, of course, working with your physician to halt and reverse the progression of the disease.
If you remember, I was first screened back in October 2009 and found out that the chronological age of my cardiovascular system was about 90 years old! I was shocked at how "old" it was but not really surprised since heart disease runs in my family. I immediately started taking Pulse 8, a L-arginine based nutritional supplement and when I was re-tested in April 2010 my results were amazing! My cardiovascular age is now between 50 and 60 years - it has improved by 30 years! As I continue to take the Pulse 8, the elasticity and health of my arteries will continue to get better. I will potentially be able to get my cardiovascular health down to a 20-year old level!
The nutritional supplementation is based on Nobel Prize winning research that L-Arginine (a semi-essential amino acid) boosts the production of nitric oxide which greatly improves blood vessel health and elasticity. Nitric oxide derived from arginine is directly or indirectly involved in almost every cellular response and health condition there is. It affects both the cardiovascular system and the immune system, as well as hormone function to nerve function. Nitric oxide is 1,000 times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body. Its antioxidant properties are particularly important for numerous body systems and may help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing the aging process. It also benefits the cardiovascular system, by controlling blood pressure and reducing plaque formation through the increased production of nitric, which keeps arteries relaxed and pliable.
I will be holding screening clinics in the very near future in my area so watch for more info. If this technology can help even one person avoid a stroke or heart attack by giving them advance warning of what's going on in their body it will be worth it.
The BPro device captures the Central Aortic Systolic Pressure right out of the Aorta through the Radial Artery of the wrist. In about 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you the "chronological" age of your cardiovascular system. This non-invasive screening is important for the early detection of heart/cardiovascular disease and, perhaps, more importantly, gives us the ability to take steps through improved nutrition, lifestyle changes and, of course, working with your physician to halt and reverse the progression of the disease.
If you remember, I was first screened back in October 2009 and found out that the chronological age of my cardiovascular system was about 90 years old! I was shocked at how "old" it was but not really surprised since heart disease runs in my family. I immediately started taking Pulse 8, a L-arginine based nutritional supplement and when I was re-tested in April 2010 my results were amazing! My cardiovascular age is now between 50 and 60 years - it has improved by 30 years! As I continue to take the Pulse 8, the elasticity and health of my arteries will continue to get better. I will potentially be able to get my cardiovascular health down to a 20-year old level!
The nutritional supplementation is based on Nobel Prize winning research that L-Arginine (a semi-essential amino acid) boosts the production of nitric oxide which greatly improves blood vessel health and elasticity. Nitric oxide derived from arginine is directly or indirectly involved in almost every cellular response and health condition there is. It affects both the cardiovascular system and the immune system, as well as hormone function to nerve function. Nitric oxide is 1,000 times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body. Its antioxidant properties are particularly important for numerous body systems and may help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing the aging process. It also benefits the cardiovascular system, by controlling blood pressure and reducing plaque formation through the increased production of nitric, which keeps arteries relaxed and pliable.
I will be holding screening clinics in the very near future in my area so watch for more info. If this technology can help even one person avoid a stroke or heart attack by giving them advance warning of what's going on in their body it will be worth it.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The "Magic" of Nutrition
I just received my books and course material for my Holistic Nutritionist course and am SO EXCITED to get started! Nutrition is such a fascinating science because virtually every system in our body is effected by the "fuel" we put into it. It's becoming more and more apparent that even with the billions of dollars that governments put into health care our health isn't getting better. In fact, we are the sickest generation in history with childhood obesity and Type 2 Diabetes reaching epidemic levels. It's also been proven that things like ADHD, fibromyalgia and chronic fatique are linked to deficiencies in nutrition.
I truly believe we are experiencing a shift in our thinking, though. It seems that everyone I talk to is much more interested in "preventative" measures and the holistic approach to their wellness. It's so gratifying to talk to young people and realize that they are aware of and willing to take measures to feel better, naturally. They are going to the gym, being treated by massage therapists, attending yoga classes and watching what they eat. People my age are starting to realize that prescription drugs aren't always the best or only treatment for some of their health issues. I believe that prescription drugs have their place but, in many cases, they have led to increasing some of the problems we're currently experiencing like drug-resistant strains of bacteria and the emergence of "super-bugs". Prescriptions are generally meant to treat the symptoms not the cause so you may "feel" better but the underlying condition may still be present and might actually get worse.
Personally, I'm finding that it's easier to prevent health issues by eating healthier and being more aware of what's going into me than to have to address existing conditions. I'm looking forward to learning so much more about the "magic" of nutrition as it relates to our cellular function and will share my findings with you over the next few months. Part of my course has me completing several case studies as well so anyone interested in being "studied", let me know!
I truly believe we are experiencing a shift in our thinking, though. It seems that everyone I talk to is much more interested in "preventative" measures and the holistic approach to their wellness. It's so gratifying to talk to young people and realize that they are aware of and willing to take measures to feel better, naturally. They are going to the gym, being treated by massage therapists, attending yoga classes and watching what they eat. People my age are starting to realize that prescription drugs aren't always the best or only treatment for some of their health issues. I believe that prescription drugs have their place but, in many cases, they have led to increasing some of the problems we're currently experiencing like drug-resistant strains of bacteria and the emergence of "super-bugs". Prescriptions are generally meant to treat the symptoms not the cause so you may "feel" better but the underlying condition may still be present and might actually get worse.
Personally, I'm finding that it's easier to prevent health issues by eating healthier and being more aware of what's going into me than to have to address existing conditions. I'm looking forward to learning so much more about the "magic" of nutrition as it relates to our cellular function and will share my findings with you over the next few months. Part of my course has me completing several case studies as well so anyone interested in being "studied", let me know!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Courage to Choose Your "Road"
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost,"The Road Not Taken"
I remember learning this poem in elementary school and it has always struck a chord with me. Having the courage to choose the roads in your life that take you on YOUR journey will always bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment. It doesn't matter if not everyone is going down that road; you may find the road you choose is a bit bumpy and overgrown with obstacles; that other, smoother road may look a lot more inviting and easier to travel but if your heart's desire, your passion, is waiting at the end of that "less traveled" road it will all be worth it.
I am saying this because I am embarking on another "journey" that I'm very excited about. Over the past 10 months, because of my involvement with ForeverGreen and my consistent use of their products (www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html) I have developed a passion for the science of nutrition and it is amazing to me how our bodies can be self-healing when they are fed proper nutrition. I have experienced this first-hand and have felt the results of how our body reacts when what goes into it is perfect food.
After my 28-Day Health Challenge (which ended today) I have NO MORE hot flashes; my skin is smoother and more elastic; I feel focused and positive; I have energy and just FEEL GOOD!
So, I am excited to say that I have enrolled with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I want to learn all I can about how proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy, happy, productive life and, more importantly, I want to help others experience improvements to their health that will change their lives in ways they can't even imagine. When you feel good, everything else in your life gets better!
I'm looking forward to stretching my mind - it's been a while since I've "hit the books" - but I'm so glad to be following MY road. It will be an adventure, I'm sure.
I remember learning this poem in elementary school and it has always struck a chord with me. Having the courage to choose the roads in your life that take you on YOUR journey will always bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment. It doesn't matter if not everyone is going down that road; you may find the road you choose is a bit bumpy and overgrown with obstacles; that other, smoother road may look a lot more inviting and easier to travel but if your heart's desire, your passion, is waiting at the end of that "less traveled" road it will all be worth it.
I am saying this because I am embarking on another "journey" that I'm very excited about. Over the past 10 months, because of my involvement with ForeverGreen and my consistent use of their products (www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html) I have developed a passion for the science of nutrition and it is amazing to me how our bodies can be self-healing when they are fed proper nutrition. I have experienced this first-hand and have felt the results of how our body reacts when what goes into it is perfect food.
After my 28-Day Health Challenge (which ended today) I have NO MORE hot flashes; my skin is smoother and more elastic; I feel focused and positive; I have energy and just FEEL GOOD!
So, I am excited to say that I have enrolled with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I want to learn all I can about how proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy, happy, productive life and, more importantly, I want to help others experience improvements to their health that will change their lives in ways they can't even imagine. When you feel good, everything else in your life gets better!
I'm looking forward to stretching my mind - it's been a while since I've "hit the books" - but I'm so glad to be following MY road. It will be an adventure, I'm sure.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Do you realize how too much stress adversely effects your health? So much so that studies have shown that chronic stress causes 60% to 90% of ALL illnessess. We are one of the most stressed generations ever and a lot of it it self-induced! We have all of the conveniences one can imagine to make our life easier yet we're constantly running, hurrying, scheduling, multi-tasking, answering our cell phones (while driving), wolfing down fast-food, scheduling our days to squeeze in some "quality" time with the family and for what? To "get ahead"? To be "wealthy"? To have a bigger house? A bigger car? A bigger debt-load? Those things won't do us much good if we're not healthy enough or happy enough to enjoy them.
One thing I've noticed about getting "older" is that I have so much more patience with the little things that used to bother me like check-out lineups and traffic and waiting rooms. I've come to realize that the extra few minutes that I think I'm losing don't really amount to much in the big scheme of things. And it's so much fun to see other peoples' reactions when I step aside and let them go ahead of me or say "I'm in no rush - you go first." They usually aren't quite sure what to do at first....then they smile and thank me and, I like to hope, that I've lessened a tiny bit of the stress they may have been experiencing. It's become a game for me to see how many times a day I can "pay it forward" and it always makes me feel better.
Another thing I've come to realize - with personal development like losing weight, eating better or doing more physical activity - one must have patience. Things don't happen overnight. We have to remember that it has taken years for the BAD habits and damage to our bodies to develop and it's going to take time to make improvements and to see the results of your efforts. We have become such a "quick fix" society that we expect results NOW! We assume there must be a pill or something we can just take and it will make everything better - NOW! Sadly, that is why many people fail in their efforts to improve.
Over the past 20 days of participating in the 28-Day Health Challenge (http://www.seawellness.mycashmiracle.com/Step2.html) I have made sure to consistently take my whole food FrequenSea and, with each dose I felt good knowing I was putting the absolute best nutrition into my body. I didn't expect "miracles" on Day 1 but by Day 10 when my annoying hot flashes started to become less and less I knew something positive was happening. My body was responding to being fed properly. Now, on Day 20, my hot flashes are GONE! My skin looks and feels better. I feel clear-headed, focused and happy and, as a result, I have NO STRESS (or very little compared to how I used to feel) and, that in itself is probably doing as much for my good health as anything. I've also come to the realization that our body IS amazing because it really does have the ability to regenerate and heal itself if we give it the chance.
I can now say with confidence that if you're willing to follow this 28-Day Program you WILL experience improved health by giving your body a real chance to heal itself because I've experienced it first hand.
Do you have the patience to follow through for 28 days? Think about it. The rewards will be worth it in more ways than you can imagine. And, if you don't think you're ready for it yet, at least start reducing the stress in your life - let that person behind you in the check-out line go ahead of you and smile at that sales clerk who's having a bad day. Don't let stress continue to sabotage your health. :)
That's it for this week. Hope summer days are on the way! It's hard to be patient with this weather ;) Mary-Lou www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html
One thing I've noticed about getting "older" is that I have so much more patience with the little things that used to bother me like check-out lineups and traffic and waiting rooms. I've come to realize that the extra few minutes that I think I'm losing don't really amount to much in the big scheme of things. And it's so much fun to see other peoples' reactions when I step aside and let them go ahead of me or say "I'm in no rush - you go first." They usually aren't quite sure what to do at first....then they smile and thank me and, I like to hope, that I've lessened a tiny bit of the stress they may have been experiencing. It's become a game for me to see how many times a day I can "pay it forward" and it always makes me feel better.
Another thing I've come to realize - with personal development like losing weight, eating better or doing more physical activity - one must have patience. Things don't happen overnight. We have to remember that it has taken years for the BAD habits and damage to our bodies to develop and it's going to take time to make improvements and to see the results of your efforts. We have become such a "quick fix" society that we expect results NOW! We assume there must be a pill or something we can just take and it will make everything better - NOW! Sadly, that is why many people fail in their efforts to improve.
Over the past 20 days of participating in the 28-Day Health Challenge (http://www.seawellness.mycashmiracle.com/Step2.html) I have made sure to consistently take my whole food FrequenSea and, with each dose I felt good knowing I was putting the absolute best nutrition into my body. I didn't expect "miracles" on Day 1 but by Day 10 when my annoying hot flashes started to become less and less I knew something positive was happening. My body was responding to being fed properly. Now, on Day 20, my hot flashes are GONE! My skin looks and feels better. I feel clear-headed, focused and happy and, as a result, I have NO STRESS (or very little compared to how I used to feel) and, that in itself is probably doing as much for my good health as anything. I've also come to the realization that our body IS amazing because it really does have the ability to regenerate and heal itself if we give it the chance.
I can now say with confidence that if you're willing to follow this 28-Day Program you WILL experience improved health by giving your body a real chance to heal itself because I've experienced it first hand.
Do you have the patience to follow through for 28 days? Think about it. The rewards will be worth it in more ways than you can imagine. And, if you don't think you're ready for it yet, at least start reducing the stress in your life - let that person behind you in the check-out line go ahead of you and smile at that sales clerk who's having a bad day. Don't let stress continue to sabotage your health. :)
That's it for this week. Hope summer days are on the way! It's hard to be patient with this weather ;) Mary-Lou www.seawellness.myforevergreen.org/CAN_Products.html
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Week 2 - Life's Great!
Well, 14 days of megadosing on FrequenSea by following the 28-Day Miracle (www.seawellness.mycashmiracle.com/Step2.html ) and I'm thrilled to report the following:
1. My hot flashes are basically GONE! I had tried many different herbal remedies over the past several months with no success. I am now sleeping all night again and feel refreshed when I wake up. Whoo Hooo! If getting rid of my hot flashes had been the only benefit of this 28-Day challenge that, in itself, would have been worth it.
2. My skin continues to look and feel smoother.
3. I feel clear-headed and focused all the time. This, of course, makes me feel happy, confident and optimistic about everything. I love this feeling!
4. My appetite is consistent. By that I mean I don't seem to have to eat as much to feel full and I don't have cravings.
5. Starting a few years ago I would get migraine headaches every couple of weeks (I chalked this up to my hormone levels changing) and I haven't had even a hint of a headache now for about 2 months. Remember, I was taking FrequenSea before though not in these large doses.
One more week and then I drop down to 4 oz. per day for 8 days. After the 28 days I will go back to my usual dose of 1 - 2 oz/day as my maintenance program.
I have to say, once those hot flashes disappeared I KNEW and really understood how well the body responds to perfect nutrition. Without proper nutrition the body just can't perform the way it should. It's like trying to grow a plant in a dark room with very little water - sure, it will grow but it will be spindley, droopy and yellow and will never survive.
And, sadly, even when we try to eat better we may still not be getting what we need. "Over the past century, the quality of fresh food has declined due to soil depletion, unsustainable farming practices, overproduction of crops, and the use of pesticides and herbicides. You can no longer assume you’re getting all of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients you need by eating a multitude of fresh produce—even if you’re eating organically. " from Mercola.com May 18, 2010
That's it for this week....here's hoping we get great weather for the long weekend!
1. My hot flashes are basically GONE! I had tried many different herbal remedies over the past several months with no success. I am now sleeping all night again and feel refreshed when I wake up. Whoo Hooo! If getting rid of my hot flashes had been the only benefit of this 28-Day challenge that, in itself, would have been worth it.
2. My skin continues to look and feel smoother.
3. I feel clear-headed and focused all the time. This, of course, makes me feel happy, confident and optimistic about everything. I love this feeling!
4. My appetite is consistent. By that I mean I don't seem to have to eat as much to feel full and I don't have cravings.
5. Starting a few years ago I would get migraine headaches every couple of weeks (I chalked this up to my hormone levels changing) and I haven't had even a hint of a headache now for about 2 months. Remember, I was taking FrequenSea before though not in these large doses.
One more week and then I drop down to 4 oz. per day for 8 days. After the 28 days I will go back to my usual dose of 1 - 2 oz/day as my maintenance program.
I have to say, once those hot flashes disappeared I KNEW and really understood how well the body responds to perfect nutrition. Without proper nutrition the body just can't perform the way it should. It's like trying to grow a plant in a dark room with very little water - sure, it will grow but it will be spindley, droopy and yellow and will never survive.
And, sadly, even when we try to eat better we may still not be getting what we need. "Over the past century, the quality of fresh food has declined due to soil depletion, unsustainable farming practices, overproduction of crops, and the use of pesticides and herbicides. You can no longer assume you’re getting all of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients you need by eating a multitude of fresh produce—even if you’re eating organically. " from Mercola.com May 18, 2010
That's it for this week....here's hoping we get great weather for the long weekend!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
7 Days In....Feeling Good!
Well, Week One of my 28-Day FrequenSea Challenge is complete and here's what I have to report:
After the first day or so I experienced "cleansing"symptoms (you can figure it out!) Nothing uncomfortable though. Also, my energy level is great but my mental clarity is what I've really noticed - I feel clear-headed and focused all the time. And the other really cool thing is, my skin seems to be getting smoother! I keep looking at my hands because that's where I notice it the most - they seem a lot younger looking and seem to have a lot more elasticity. (Wish I would have taken "before" and "after" pictures of them). I also don't feel as hungry as I used to and don't seem to want to eat as much.
I didn't really have specific health issues going into this but the things I'm noticing are like "bonuses" - things I hadn't really thought about - that are making me feel and look better than I have in ten years. And I have to think that if it's having this effect on the outside it must be doing really great things on the inside.
It's gratifying to hear how often healthy living is becoming part of daily conversations - even the younger generation talk about reading ingredient labels in grocery stores, eating more fruits and vegetables, going to the gym (they've got me there - that's on my "To Do" list). I really think that we're on the brink of a full-blown "self-health" explosion and not a moment too soon. With childhood obesity hitting epidemic proportions and all of the health problems related to obesity- diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, gall stones, gout, osteoarthritis and asthma to name some, it's imperitive that everyone take responsibility for their own health and not depend on the health industry or government to do it for us. Besides, it feels good to know you're the one in control of your own well-being - after all, it is YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR future. I'm hopeful and excited that the next generation will be healthier and live longer while enjoying a fulfulling life.
Stay tuned for next week and enjoy the "finally Spring" weather.
After the first day or so I experienced "cleansing"symptoms (you can figure it out!) Nothing uncomfortable though. Also, my energy level is great but my mental clarity is what I've really noticed - I feel clear-headed and focused all the time. And the other really cool thing is, my skin seems to be getting smoother! I keep looking at my hands because that's where I notice it the most - they seem a lot younger looking and seem to have a lot more elasticity. (Wish I would have taken "before" and "after" pictures of them). I also don't feel as hungry as I used to and don't seem to want to eat as much.
I didn't really have specific health issues going into this but the things I'm noticing are like "bonuses" - things I hadn't really thought about - that are making me feel and look better than I have in ten years. And I have to think that if it's having this effect on the outside it must be doing really great things on the inside.
It's gratifying to hear how often healthy living is becoming part of daily conversations - even the younger generation talk about reading ingredient labels in grocery stores, eating more fruits and vegetables, going to the gym (they've got me there - that's on my "To Do" list). I really think that we're on the brink of a full-blown "self-health" explosion and not a moment too soon. With childhood obesity hitting epidemic proportions and all of the health problems related to obesity- diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, gall stones, gout, osteoarthritis and asthma to name some, it's imperitive that everyone take responsibility for their own health and not depend on the health industry or government to do it for us. Besides, it feels good to know you're the one in control of your own well-being - after all, it is YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR future. I'm hopeful and excited that the next generation will be healthier and live longer while enjoying a fulfulling life.
Stay tuned for next week and enjoy the "finally Spring" weather.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 1 of 28 Day Health Challenge
Today I began the "Tom Harper 28-day Miracle" and will be taking 8 oz. of FrequenSea per day. With this program I'll be saturating the cells in my body with the most perfect microscopic food/nutrition on earth - marine phytoplankton - and I will be documenting and sharing my results. I'm excited to experience how the body responds when it's "fed" optimum nutrition in megadoses.
Ken & I have both been taking the ForeverGreen products for about 10 months now and have experienced improved health as well as a new resolve to take better care of the only body we have. Maybe it's our "advancing" age that has made us more conscious of how we're eating but one thing I've learned is that no matter how old you are or what health issues you're dealing with, the human body is an amazing entity and has the ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition.
My own experience so far with these products has been a 30 year improvement to my cardiovascular system by taking Pulse 8, FrequenSea and Azul and an overall feeling of well-being. I just feel GOOD! My aches & pains have disappeared; I have more energy and a positive outlook. When I think back to a year ago, I thought I felt pretty good and any problems I did have I attributed to getting older. Now, I realize that I'm NOT old and won't be for a long time so I should take care of myself and, maybe, just maybe after several more birthdays go by I will still have the most important thing I can have - good health!
So, I'll keep you posted over the next 4 weeks. If you want to join me and take YOUR health to new levels, take the tour at www.8794548.mycashmiracle.com/Step2.html .
Oh, and.....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there! Motherhood is truly the best job on earth!
Ken & I have both been taking the ForeverGreen products for about 10 months now and have experienced improved health as well as a new resolve to take better care of the only body we have. Maybe it's our "advancing" age that has made us more conscious of how we're eating but one thing I've learned is that no matter how old you are or what health issues you're dealing with, the human body is an amazing entity and has the ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition.
My own experience so far with these products has been a 30 year improvement to my cardiovascular system by taking Pulse 8, FrequenSea and Azul and an overall feeling of well-being. I just feel GOOD! My aches & pains have disappeared; I have more energy and a positive outlook. When I think back to a year ago, I thought I felt pretty good and any problems I did have I attributed to getting older. Now, I realize that I'm NOT old and won't be for a long time so I should take care of myself and, maybe, just maybe after several more birthdays go by I will still have the most important thing I can have - good health!
So, I'll keep you posted over the next 4 weeks. If you want to join me and take YOUR health to new levels, take the tour at www.8794548.mycashmiracle.com/Step2.html .
Oh, and.....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the moms out there! Motherhood is truly the best job on earth!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Common Sense
I attended a "motivational speaker" event recently and enjoyed it very much and one thing she said really stuck with me. She reminded us that what she was telling us wasn't "new" or "ground-breaking" - we all "know" what we have to do because it's common sense. She was just there to remind us and challenge us to actually DO what we know needs to be done.
Over the past several months I've become fascinated with a common sense approach to my own health and the more I learn the more I realize that the key to good health or improved health is NOT rocket science and it's NOT hidden so that millions of dollars in research has to be spent to "uncover" it. I sometimes feel like a biology teacher because most people don't really know HOW their body works. They just take it for granted that it works and, no matter what they do to it or put in it or expose it to, it will continue to work. And, in most cases, it WILL continue to work but not very well. It limps along and we develop various ailments like chronic fatigue, allergies, high blood pressure, lower immunity and, perhaps, eventually a life-threatening disease. We've been bombarded with advertising and a medical community that advises us to "take a pill" to deal with these problems but many, many times that isn't "fixing" the problem, only covering it up and that allows other problems to surface. Besides, have you ever noticed the "side affects" of prescription drugs? Scary stuff.
Optimum health is, and always has been, right in front of us and, I think, we have to be reminded of how to achieve it. I think the growing popularity of holistic and naturopathic practitioners is a result of society waking up from the "prescription-induced" haze it's been in for a generation and realizing that our health has always been our own responsibility.
I've found my passion in learning about how the body responds to proper nutrition and sharing my observations with others. I'm like that motivational speaker - simply reminding people of what we've always really known - that good health is common sense. We all know we should eat better, exercise more, quit smoking, work less and relax more but most of us don't heed that little voice in our heads.
If we nourish our body at the cellular level with the best nutrition we possibly can, it will respond, regenerate, rebuild and heal itself and our quality of life will improve. When we experience good health, everything is better - our attitude, our relationships, our sense of well-being. When we begin to feel better we find that we WANT to exercise more and quit smoking and enjoy life more. We WANT to take care of our body because it responds so well to healthy choices. The human body is an amazing system of balance and what's really amazing is that even when it's out of balance it still keeps functioning but, like a car that hasn't been maintained, it may limp along. Trouble is, we can't trade in our body on a new model when it starts to fail. We can, however, take steps that will halt the damage and, in many cases, even REVERSE the progression of disease.
I have experienced such a reversal myself by consistently taking my ForeverGreen products for the past several months. I had my cardiovascular system tested 6 months ago and was shocked to discover that it was functioning at a 90 year old level. After taking Pulse-8 for six months I was retested and was amazed to find that my cardiovascular health had improved by 30 years! The really great thing is that as I continue to take this product my cardiovascular system will continue to function better and better, potentially getting back to functioning as a 20 year old. Now, if that can be achieved by simply drinking a nutritional supplement twice a day, that makes sense. I think it's a much better scenerio than ending up in the CCU having a stent inserted or having a stroke and possibly dying years before I should.
These products offer the very best in cellular nutrition. They contain specific foods found in nature that have very high anti-oxidant properties but what makes them unique and even more effective is the addition of marine phytoplankton which has healing properties and nutritional value second to nothing else. I'm excited about these products because I've experienced first hand what they can do. Providing my cells with the perfect food they need to do the job they're meant to do; keeping this body of mine functioning at its optimum level even when exposed to less-than-perfect eating habits; less-than-perfect exercise habits, environmental toxins and dangerous additives found in our processed foods – that all makes sense to me. And I'm happy to share THAT good news with anyone.
Over the past several months I've become fascinated with a common sense approach to my own health and the more I learn the more I realize that the key to good health or improved health is NOT rocket science and it's NOT hidden so that millions of dollars in research has to be spent to "uncover" it. I sometimes feel like a biology teacher because most people don't really know HOW their body works. They just take it for granted that it works and, no matter what they do to it or put in it or expose it to, it will continue to work. And, in most cases, it WILL continue to work but not very well. It limps along and we develop various ailments like chronic fatigue, allergies, high blood pressure, lower immunity and, perhaps, eventually a life-threatening disease. We've been bombarded with advertising and a medical community that advises us to "take a pill" to deal with these problems but many, many times that isn't "fixing" the problem, only covering it up and that allows other problems to surface. Besides, have you ever noticed the "side affects" of prescription drugs? Scary stuff.
Optimum health is, and always has been, right in front of us and, I think, we have to be reminded of how to achieve it. I think the growing popularity of holistic and naturopathic practitioners is a result of society waking up from the "prescription-induced" haze it's been in for a generation and realizing that our health has always been our own responsibility.
I've found my passion in learning about how the body responds to proper nutrition and sharing my observations with others. I'm like that motivational speaker - simply reminding people of what we've always really known - that good health is common sense. We all know we should eat better, exercise more, quit smoking, work less and relax more but most of us don't heed that little voice in our heads.
If we nourish our body at the cellular level with the best nutrition we possibly can, it will respond, regenerate, rebuild and heal itself and our quality of life will improve. When we experience good health, everything is better - our attitude, our relationships, our sense of well-being. When we begin to feel better we find that we WANT to exercise more and quit smoking and enjoy life more. We WANT to take care of our body because it responds so well to healthy choices. The human body is an amazing system of balance and what's really amazing is that even when it's out of balance it still keeps functioning but, like a car that hasn't been maintained, it may limp along. Trouble is, we can't trade in our body on a new model when it starts to fail. We can, however, take steps that will halt the damage and, in many cases, even REVERSE the progression of disease.
I have experienced such a reversal myself by consistently taking my ForeverGreen products for the past several months. I had my cardiovascular system tested 6 months ago and was shocked to discover that it was functioning at a 90 year old level. After taking Pulse-8 for six months I was retested and was amazed to find that my cardiovascular health had improved by 30 years! The really great thing is that as I continue to take this product my cardiovascular system will continue to function better and better, potentially getting back to functioning as a 20 year old. Now, if that can be achieved by simply drinking a nutritional supplement twice a day, that makes sense. I think it's a much better scenerio than ending up in the CCU having a stent inserted or having a stroke and possibly dying years before I should.
These products offer the very best in cellular nutrition. They contain specific foods found in nature that have very high anti-oxidant properties but what makes them unique and even more effective is the addition of marine phytoplankton which has healing properties and nutritional value second to nothing else. I'm excited about these products because I've experienced first hand what they can do. Providing my cells with the perfect food they need to do the job they're meant to do; keeping this body of mine functioning at its optimum level even when exposed to less-than-perfect eating habits; less-than-perfect exercise habits, environmental toxins and dangerous additives found in our processed foods – that all makes sense to me. And I'm happy to share THAT good news with anyone.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
When More ISN'T Better
The husband and I were recently on a vacation to a warmer climate and enjoyed it very much. One thing I really enjoyed was having someone else prepare, serve and clean-up our meals. But I noticed something when we ate at restaurants and it really started to bug me. Invariably, no matter what we ordered, we ended up with enough food to feed at least 2 more people. What a waste! We'd try our best to eat as much as we could but ended up feeling bloated and uncomfortable and, sadly, a lot of those terrific meal "left-overs" ended up being tossed away.
It seems to be a North American habit to expect our "money's worth" when it comes to meals (and many other things). So when we order a meal at a restaurant and our plate comes brimming over with food we feel like we got a deal. But is it really money well spent when, in many cases, it gets thrown in the trash? We've tried the "doggy bag" idea several times and though it eases our conscience at the time, the results are the same when we toss it out of our fridge a few days later.
What I find so disturbing about it all is that there are so many people going hungry - and I don't mean in third-world countries either! There are families in our own communities who don't have enough to eat and here are restaurants, throwing out perfectly good food because they overfilled our plates. We seem to have forgotten that "we eat to live" and, instead, we are a society that "lives to eat". Does anyone else see the connection here between that and the fact that obesity is becoming the number 1 health problem we face today?
What I'd like to see is all restaurants serve meals on smaller plates and lower their prices a couple of dollars per meal. Maybe they'd actually save money and, hey here's an idea, they could donate some of those savings to the local food bank! Sure, some customers may grumble a bit at first but after they found out that they're actually full after that smaller meal and they aren't throwing half the meal away they'd quit grumbling. We don't need to eat as much as we do. We don't even realize we're full until we feel uncomfortable and that's not healthy.
I challenge all of us to make a difference when we eat at restaurants & order from the appetizer menu. I do that most of the time now because I'm always pleasantly full (not stuffed) and I'm not wasting food. It's healthier for me and I feel better knowing I'm not throwing a perfectly good meal in the trash when there are so many going hungry.
It seems to be a North American habit to expect our "money's worth" when it comes to meals (and many other things). So when we order a meal at a restaurant and our plate comes brimming over with food we feel like we got a deal. But is it really money well spent when, in many cases, it gets thrown in the trash? We've tried the "doggy bag" idea several times and though it eases our conscience at the time, the results are the same when we toss it out of our fridge a few days later.
What I find so disturbing about it all is that there are so many people going hungry - and I don't mean in third-world countries either! There are families in our own communities who don't have enough to eat and here are restaurants, throwing out perfectly good food because they overfilled our plates. We seem to have forgotten that "we eat to live" and, instead, we are a society that "lives to eat". Does anyone else see the connection here between that and the fact that obesity is becoming the number 1 health problem we face today?
What I'd like to see is all restaurants serve meals on smaller plates and lower their prices a couple of dollars per meal. Maybe they'd actually save money and, hey here's an idea, they could donate some of those savings to the local food bank! Sure, some customers may grumble a bit at first but after they found out that they're actually full after that smaller meal and they aren't throwing half the meal away they'd quit grumbling. We don't need to eat as much as we do. We don't even realize we're full until we feel uncomfortable and that's not healthy.
I challenge all of us to make a difference when we eat at restaurants & order from the appetizer menu. I do that most of the time now because I'm always pleasantly full (not stuffed) and I'm not wasting food. It's healthier for me and I feel better knowing I'm not throwing a perfectly good meal in the trash when there are so many going hungry.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Changing How We Think
I'm sure you've all heard "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten" and "If "wishes" and "buts" were clusters of nuts we'd all have a bowl of granola". Catchy little saying, aren't they? They also are perfect for describing the biggest obstacles in our quest for self-improvement - ourselves.
When people want to lose weight, want to change jobs, want more money or want better relationships they generally set themselves up to fail because they want these things to happen without venturing out of their comfort zone. They will pay big money to gyms and to weight loss companies looking for instant results but won't quit drinking beer or eating dessert; won't be consistent in going for their workouts. When they want to change jobs they're too afraid to apply for other jobs or won't take the courses that may help them get a better position and a raise at the company they currently work for.
When I hear someone say, "I've tried everything but nothing works...." or "I wish I could make more money..." I am reminded of those two little quotes. Sadly, I've done it myself - we all do it because we ALL "like" comfort zones; we "like" to take the easy road; we "deserve" to enjoy the little things in life like a beer or dessert or a cigarette. And if those things are what you truly enjoy then do them but don't feel guilty about it and don't "wish" for things to change.
I think it's a shame that many of us forget that we've been blessed with only ONE life and we get caught up in just making it from day to day and never really finding out what we're all really capable of - what our potential is.
Change can only come from within and that's why we fail. When someone signs up with a Weight Loss clinic they've taken the first step but when they realize that it's not just about taking supplements or eating less but more about changing their lifestyle and the way they think and the way they've always done things that's when they begin to fail because they don't want to change - they want the supplements to work their magic and do it for them. They want the fact that they've spent a lot of money to be the guarantee of their success.
Every day is a new opportunity to improve ourselves, to achieve something, to do more than just "BE". And whether it's simply to take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and really notice it or to smile at someone and really notice them or to take the first step in moving from where you are in life to where you want to be, remember, it IS about stepping out of that comfort zone if only for a moment. Make a bucket list - change it or add to it and cross things off as you do them. It will give you such a great feeling to know that some of the things you've always wanted to do, you've actually done but don't sweat it if you don't get them all done. Life is a work in progress and not a straight line from here to there. Don't "just do what you've always done" and expect things to change. Change comes from you doing things differently so DO IT and enjoy the journey!
When people want to lose weight, want to change jobs, want more money or want better relationships they generally set themselves up to fail because they want these things to happen without venturing out of their comfort zone. They will pay big money to gyms and to weight loss companies looking for instant results but won't quit drinking beer or eating dessert; won't be consistent in going for their workouts. When they want to change jobs they're too afraid to apply for other jobs or won't take the courses that may help them get a better position and a raise at the company they currently work for.
When I hear someone say, "I've tried everything but nothing works...." or "I wish I could make more money..." I am reminded of those two little quotes. Sadly, I've done it myself - we all do it because we ALL "like" comfort zones; we "like" to take the easy road; we "deserve" to enjoy the little things in life like a beer or dessert or a cigarette. And if those things are what you truly enjoy then do them but don't feel guilty about it and don't "wish" for things to change.
I think it's a shame that many of us forget that we've been blessed with only ONE life and we get caught up in just making it from day to day and never really finding out what we're all really capable of - what our potential is.
Change can only come from within and that's why we fail. When someone signs up with a Weight Loss clinic they've taken the first step but when they realize that it's not just about taking supplements or eating less but more about changing their lifestyle and the way they think and the way they've always done things that's when they begin to fail because they don't want to change - they want the supplements to work their magic and do it for them. They want the fact that they've spent a lot of money to be the guarantee of their success.
Every day is a new opportunity to improve ourselves, to achieve something, to do more than just "BE". And whether it's simply to take a moment to breathe in the fresh air and really notice it or to smile at someone and really notice them or to take the first step in moving from where you are in life to where you want to be, remember, it IS about stepping out of that comfort zone if only for a moment. Make a bucket list - change it or add to it and cross things off as you do them. It will give you such a great feeling to know that some of the things you've always wanted to do, you've actually done but don't sweat it if you don't get them all done. Life is a work in progress and not a straight line from here to there. Don't "just do what you've always done" and expect things to change. Change comes from you doing things differently so DO IT and enjoy the journey!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Olympics and McDonalds???
I'm sorry but somehow, equating the best athletes in the world with a Big Mac is oxymoronic to me. I realize that the highest bidder was probably what decided who would be one of the official sponsors of the 2010 Olympics but what were the organizers thinking? They had a fantastic opportunity that they passed over in exchange for big money.
At a time when we, as one of the richest countries in the world, also have one of the highest rates of childhood obesity; a frightening number of chronic health conditions directly related to poor eating habits and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on treating these conditions these Winter Olympics would have been a fantastic world stage on which to promote a healthy lifestyle.
I think that educating people and helping them regain their health through healthier eating and lifestyle changes is going to ultimately depend on each of us, the "little people". By taking steps ourselves to be proactive about our health, setting good examples for our children and families and sharing with others how easy it really is, we can truly make a difference. We will be like the pebble thrown into the pond - a small ripple that gets bigger and bigger. This is evident from the number of small businesses being launched that promote health ie. health food stores, naturopathic clinics, fitness centres. Word of mouth from people who have succeeded in improving and restoring their health may not garner a spot as an Olympic sponsor but it may be the "slow and steady" approach that eventually wins this race.
If you're interested about regaining your health and that of your family I invite you to consider bringing ForeverGreen products into your life. They've made a huge difference in my personal health and I feel better than I ever have. Visit www.8794548.myforevergreen.org and then contact me for more information. I'm always happy to spread the word about health!
At a time when we, as one of the richest countries in the world, also have one of the highest rates of childhood obesity; a frightening number of chronic health conditions directly related to poor eating habits and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on treating these conditions these Winter Olympics would have been a fantastic world stage on which to promote a healthy lifestyle.
I think that educating people and helping them regain their health through healthier eating and lifestyle changes is going to ultimately depend on each of us, the "little people". By taking steps ourselves to be proactive about our health, setting good examples for our children and families and sharing with others how easy it really is, we can truly make a difference. We will be like the pebble thrown into the pond - a small ripple that gets bigger and bigger. This is evident from the number of small businesses being launched that promote health ie. health food stores, naturopathic clinics, fitness centres. Word of mouth from people who have succeeded in improving and restoring their health may not garner a spot as an Olympic sponsor but it may be the "slow and steady" approach that eventually wins this race.
If you're interested about regaining your health and that of your family I invite you to consider bringing ForeverGreen products into your life. They've made a huge difference in my personal health and I feel better than I ever have. Visit www.8794548.myforevergreen.org and then contact me for more information. I'm always happy to spread the word about health!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Spring Cleaning
I was cleaning out some closets recently because it feels like Spring is on the way. It occurred to me that when we throw out the old stuff that's cluttering our lives we should also clean out our kitchen cupboards/pantries. When we're feeling that sense of renewal and optimism for nicer weather on the way it's the perfect time to "clean" out the bad eating habits that are ruining our health and vitality.
I challenge each of you to go through those pantries and toss (or donate to a food bank if you can't stand waste) all of the pre-packaged, processed items and make a new shopping list to restock your cupboards with healthier choices.
I just got myself a "HeathMaster" emulsifier and love it! It looks like a blender but is like a blender on steroids! It's a surefire way to make sure we're getting more than our daily servings of fruits and veggies. And when I combine better eating habits with taking my daily ForeverGreen www.8794548.myforevergreen.org products I can honestly say I feel better than I have for years.
My whole attitude towards eating has changed and it wasn't hard to do. I didn't make the change overnight but over a few months by gradually introducing better food choices into our home. Now it's automatic.
So, clean out those pantries! Make a new grocery list and restock with healthier choices. You'll never regret it and will be rewarded by feeling good.
I challenge each of you to go through those pantries and toss (or donate to a food bank if you can't stand waste) all of the pre-packaged, processed items and make a new shopping list to restock your cupboards with healthier choices.
I just got myself a "HeathMaster" emulsifier and love it! It looks like a blender but is like a blender on steroids! It's a surefire way to make sure we're getting more than our daily servings of fruits and veggies. And when I combine better eating habits with taking my daily ForeverGreen www.8794548.myforevergreen.org products I can honestly say I feel better than I have for years.
My whole attitude towards eating has changed and it wasn't hard to do. I didn't make the change overnight but over a few months by gradually introducing better food choices into our home. Now it's automatic.
So, clean out those pantries! Make a new grocery list and restock with healthier choices. You'll never regret it and will be rewarded by feeling good.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Back to Basics
Recently, a few of us were having a discussion about technology and how quickly it changes our world. It used to take decades for something to become obsolete - now it takes 3 or 4 years. Items like DVD players, CDs, land-line phones, newspapers, photo film, phone books, fax machines and even personal cheques are on the brink of becoming things of the past. We have started to "expect" change, depending on technology to make our lives faster, easier, even healthier. We've become slaves to technology and it's actually doing more harm to our health than we may realize.
Fast food, probably the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic, may appear to make our lives easier but, really, does it take that much longer to prepare a healthy meal? Or pack a lunch to take to work rather than grabbing a burger and fries? Food isn't "real" anymore. It's processed, genetically modified and preserved until there's nothing of nutritional value left in it. Even good old water has been "enhanced" to include flavours and minerals and additives that claim to be healthier for you - for a price. What was wrong with water that we had to "fix" it?
Inactivity is the other result of technology and contributor to our sad state of health. We drive everywhere. Our kids play video games, watch movies and spend all of their time "networking" with their friends on the computer or cellphones. And with all of these conveniences that claim to give us more time we still have no time.
One thing technology can't do is take away our "humaness". No matter what, we are blessed with a human body and brain that no amount of technology can replicate. But, here's the key....we have to take care of it and that means getting back to basics. For however long mankind has been around, our lifespan has been, for the most part, based on how well we fueled our bodies. Granted, at one time, it was also based on whether a sabre-toothed tiger got you but no matter how far back you go in history, health has been based on food and medicine found in nature. Plants, fruits, essential oils, spices - the nutritional and healing benefits of these are indisputable and amazing. And when you feel better you'll have the desire to be more active. You will have increased energy, mental alertness and a wonderful sense of well-being and won't be content anymore to sit in front the the T.V. and watch another rerun or "reality" show. You won't want to "waste" a minute of your renewed vitality.
That's what I find makes so much sense about the ForeverGreen products. These all-natural products work in sync with our bodies, giving them the nutritional and healing benefits of plant and fruit-derived ingredients including the amazing marine phytoplankton. Visit www.8794548.myforevergreen.org , click on any of the product brands on the left side and watch some of the video clips.
You can also visit www.team-connections.com and read testimonials from people who have enjoyed improved health and well-being by introducing these products into their daily lives.
Good, common-sense nutrition isn't rocket science and it may not be as sexy as the newest "gadget" on the market but it's been around forever and it's what we need to, not only survive but thrive.
Fast food, probably the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic, may appear to make our lives easier but, really, does it take that much longer to prepare a healthy meal? Or pack a lunch to take to work rather than grabbing a burger and fries? Food isn't "real" anymore. It's processed, genetically modified and preserved until there's nothing of nutritional value left in it. Even good old water has been "enhanced" to include flavours and minerals and additives that claim to be healthier for you - for a price. What was wrong with water that we had to "fix" it?
Inactivity is the other result of technology and contributor to our sad state of health. We drive everywhere. Our kids play video games, watch movies and spend all of their time "networking" with their friends on the computer or cellphones. And with all of these conveniences that claim to give us more time we still have no time.
One thing technology can't do is take away our "humaness". No matter what, we are blessed with a human body and brain that no amount of technology can replicate. But, here's the key....we have to take care of it and that means getting back to basics. For however long mankind has been around, our lifespan has been, for the most part, based on how well we fueled our bodies. Granted, at one time, it was also based on whether a sabre-toothed tiger got you but no matter how far back you go in history, health has been based on food and medicine found in nature. Plants, fruits, essential oils, spices - the nutritional and healing benefits of these are indisputable and amazing. And when you feel better you'll have the desire to be more active. You will have increased energy, mental alertness and a wonderful sense of well-being and won't be content anymore to sit in front the the T.V. and watch another rerun or "reality" show. You won't want to "waste" a minute of your renewed vitality.
That's what I find makes so much sense about the ForeverGreen products. These all-natural products work in sync with our bodies, giving them the nutritional and healing benefits of plant and fruit-derived ingredients including the amazing marine phytoplankton. Visit www.8794548.myforevergreen.org , click on any of the product brands on the left side and watch some of the video clips.
You can also visit www.team-connections.com and read testimonials from people who have enjoyed improved health and well-being by introducing these products into their daily lives.
Good, common-sense nutrition isn't rocket science and it may not be as sexy as the newest "gadget" on the market but it's been around forever and it's what we need to, not only survive but thrive.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
True Wealth is Health
"True Wealth is Health"....I just read that somewhere and it really resonated with me. All the money in the world doesn't mean much if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy it. I recently spent the better part of a month in and out of the hospital visiting a loved one and it reinforced my goal to try and remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Once you're hospitalized you really are at the mercy of the health system - overworked doctors and nurses, crowded hospitals, meds being pumped into you. Don't get me wrong, we are much more fortunate than many countries who don't have modern hospitals and, as Canadians, we enjoy (?) universal health care so no one can be turned away if they need medical help but I truly believe that we, as individuals, can be doing so much more to take care of OURSELVES. If we make better choices about what we eat; take the stairs or walk a few blocks to work; reduce the stress in our lives and quit relying on a pill to make us feel better, maybe, just maybe we can avoid ending up in a hospital emergency room with something that might have been prevented. Too many of today's ailments and illnesses aren't caused by an airborne germ or virus but by a generation of terrible eating habits, lack of daily exercise and too much stress in our lives.
The "good old days" may seem like a cliche but there were really a lot of GOOD aspects to the old days - things like growing your own food, physical labour everyday to get chores done, simple pleasures like visiting neighbours or going to townhall dances.
I must be getting older, I'm starting to sound like my mother!
Being in good health and feeling good makes everything else seem better even if you don't have a big bank account because having lots of money can't make you feel better if you have a headache every day or are dealing with other health issues like high blood pressure, depression, chronic pain or fatigue.
Once you're hospitalized you really are at the mercy of the health system - overworked doctors and nurses, crowded hospitals, meds being pumped into you. Don't get me wrong, we are much more fortunate than many countries who don't have modern hospitals and, as Canadians, we enjoy (?) universal health care so no one can be turned away if they need medical help but I truly believe that we, as individuals, can be doing so much more to take care of OURSELVES. If we make better choices about what we eat; take the stairs or walk a few blocks to work; reduce the stress in our lives and quit relying on a pill to make us feel better, maybe, just maybe we can avoid ending up in a hospital emergency room with something that might have been prevented. Too many of today's ailments and illnesses aren't caused by an airborne germ or virus but by a generation of terrible eating habits, lack of daily exercise and too much stress in our lives.
The "good old days" may seem like a cliche but there were really a lot of GOOD aspects to the old days - things like growing your own food, physical labour everyday to get chores done, simple pleasures like visiting neighbours or going to townhall dances.
I must be getting older, I'm starting to sound like my mother!
Being in good health and feeling good makes everything else seem better even if you don't have a big bank account because having lots of money can't make you feel better if you have a headache every day or are dealing with other health issues like high blood pressure, depression, chronic pain or fatigue.
As the first generation in history whose children may not outlive us I believe we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and our families. We can do this by becoming smarter consumers, getting more active and educating ourselves. The good news is, none of that costs anything but it can make a huge "deposit" into your "health" savings.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A New Awareness
I can tell it's January with all of the people signing up for fitness classes, working out with the WiiFit they got for Christmas and making better decisions when buying groceries. I think organic food is going to be a HUGE market in the very near future. That's good news. And I've really noticed the "Baby Boomer" generation (of which I am a member) are less trusting of conventional medicine/prescriptions and turning to natural remedies that not only alleviate symptoms but work at alleviating the "cause" of the symptoms. But I've also noticed the younger generation becoming more health-conscious as well and that's REALLY good news! It's about time we realized that "pills" won't fix what's wrong with us - granted they may make us feel better for the short term (or maybe even the long term) but the side-effects of most prescription medications are frightening to say the least!!!
The key to this emerging "wellness" revolution is awareness - just being more aware of the foods & meds going into your mouth; exploring different treatments for ailments like headaches, colds...the common things - not just popping pills. I find myself being much more aware on a daily basis. I'm making better decisions when it comes to eating, buying groceries, even in my cooking. There are so many alternatives out there - we just have to be willing and open-minded enough to try things.
I've subscribed to www.mercola.com and always find something new and interesting in that newsletter. I don't always take it as "gospel" but it gets me thinking and that's a good thing. I also take my ForeverGreen products daily (www.8794548.myforevergreen.org) and feel soooo much better than I did even 6 months ago. I was starting to feel old (before my time?) with aches, pains, tiredness and now I feel really good and have lost some weight too! Because I'm getting optimum nutrition on a daily basis my body is responding positively. It's a start! I'm hopeful that with increased awareness and sharing of information we can all make a real difference in turning around the sad state of our health and setting a better example for our children and grandchildren.
The key to this emerging "wellness" revolution is awareness - just being more aware of the foods & meds going into your mouth; exploring different treatments for ailments like headaches, colds...the common things - not just popping pills. I find myself being much more aware on a daily basis. I'm making better decisions when it comes to eating, buying groceries, even in my cooking. There are so many alternatives out there - we just have to be willing and open-minded enough to try things.
I've subscribed to www.mercola.com and always find something new and interesting in that newsletter. I don't always take it as "gospel" but it gets me thinking and that's a good thing. I also take my ForeverGreen products daily (www.8794548.myforevergreen.org) and feel soooo much better than I did even 6 months ago. I was starting to feel old (before my time?) with aches, pains, tiredness and now I feel really good and have lost some weight too! Because I'm getting optimum nutrition on a daily basis my body is responding positively. It's a start! I'm hopeful that with increased awareness and sharing of information we can all make a real difference in turning around the sad state of our health and setting a better example for our children and grandchildren.
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