Friday, August 3, 2012

Enzymes - Did you know...?

The things I've learned while taking my Holistic Nutritionist course have made me realize how much we take for granted the miracle of how our bodies work. What I've recently discovered about enzymes really opened my eyes. Did you know that without enzymes our cells can die? That's because enzymes are responsible for every chemical reaction in our body.
"The healing power of enzymes is absolute and proven. Almost every regulatory system in out body depends on enzymes and suffers by their depletion: coagulation, inflammation, wound healing, and tissue regeneration, to name just a few."
The enzymes throughout our body is replenished by the living foods we eat.

Enzymes are ONLY found in living foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, RAW meat and RAW fish which is why it's so important to eat as many raw, whole foods as you can. Now, I'm not a fan of eating raw meat or fish so I depend on raw plant-based food to replenish my enzymes daily.

When you eat food that is processed or full of preservatives the enzymes are destroyed by those preservatives and therefore the food cannot be broken down in your stomach. If your daily diet is mostly those types of food you are seriously compromising your health. The body has to work itself to exhaustion just to try and digest the non-foods you've eaten. When the body is malnourished like this it results in health problems like a lowered immune system, fatigue, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, toxin build-up and an overabundance of yeast and molds in your body.

When people get chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, candida, allergies and just feel poorly in general they should take a very close look at their diet. Sadly, most go to the doctor who will prescribe a number of prescriptions that will mask the problem but will never address the CAUSE of the problem. And the medications will often make the problem worse over the long-term.

The new ForeverGreen "Raw Promise Program" is based on eating "real" food.  By doing so for just 14 days, your health will improve dramatically and you will start to lose weight, have increased energy, better sleep, clearer skin....the list goes on and on.

I've attached a very easy-to-read reference about enzymes that I know you'll find interesting.

Education is the key that is going to help us solve the new health crisis being caused by foodless foods or, as I like to refer to them...."Frankenfoods". Keep learning and being aware of everything you put into your body - the results will amaze you.