Friday, June 25, 2010

Forks Over Knives

Just got back from Lethbridge. Wow, they have a lot of water laying around out there! My BPro Training went well. A couple more weeks and I'll be holding clinics in the Estevan area.
To recap what Digital Pulse Wave analysis is: a quick, non-invasive, affordable method for early detection of cardiovascular disease. In a matter of minutes, a Pulse Wave screening can measure the overall health of your cardiovascular system and determine if the heart and arteries are in the normal, borderline or abnormal range. Proven to be 99.8% accurate, the screening can often motivate a person to make appropriate changes in their lifestyle to help lower their risk of Cardiovascular disease.

I've also been doing a lot of reading as part of my Holistic Nutritionist course and a couple of books I have to recommend are: "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman and "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. Both books give startling evidence about the connection between nutrition and most degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There's also a documentary coming out this summer called "Forks Over Knives" that's based on the China Study and it's going to be very controversial. To think that WHAT WE EAT could be the "cure" for the very diseases that are bankrupting our governments is NOT what big pharmaceutical companies want and, you can be sure, they will do everything they can to discount this compelling study! Yet many of us ARE starting to realize that each of us does indeed hold the key to our good health. These books show that changing our diets can actually reverse disease once we've got it! That's what I personally find so interesting and is the reason I'm taking this course and holding Pulse Wave give people the knowledge they need ie. early detection and dietary changes to vastly change their health and enjoy quality of life without depending on drugs.
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of holistic and naturopathic doctors and practitioners. Things like Reiki, reflexology, massage, yoga and holistic nutrition work on the assumption that our mind, body and spirit work best when they are in sync. Fascinating stuff! And what I find is that "it makes SENSE"!

Anyway, check out this link:

and be sure and watch for it when it comes out.

Have a great weekend and try and stay dry!

Friday, June 18, 2010

How OLD is YOUR Cardiovascular System?

Well, I'm off to Lethbridge next week to FINALLY get certified to administer Digital Pulse Wave Screening! I've been waiting for several months and it's now just around the corner. I'm very excited to be able to offer this important diagnostic tool to people.

The BPro device captures the Central Aortic Systolic Pressure right out of the Aorta through the Radial Artery of the wrist. In about 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you the "chronological" age of your cardiovascular system. This non-invasive screening is important for the early detection of heart/cardiovascular disease and, perhaps, more importantly, gives us the ability to take steps through improved nutrition, lifestyle changes and, of course, working with your physician to halt and reverse the progression of the disease.

If you remember, I was first screened back in October 2009 and found out that the chronological age of my cardiovascular system was about 90 years old! I was shocked at how "old" it was but not really surprised since heart disease runs in my family. I immediately started taking Pulse 8, a L-arginine based nutritional supplement and when I was re-tested in April 2010 my results were amazing! My cardiovascular age is now between 50 and 60 years - it has improved by 30 years! As I continue to take the Pulse 8, the elasticity and health of my arteries will continue to get better. I will potentially be able to get my cardiovascular health down to a 20-year old level!

The nutritional supplementation is based on Nobel Prize winning research that L-Arginine (a semi-essential amino acid) boosts the production of nitric oxide which greatly improves blood vessel health and elasticity. Nitric oxide derived from arginine is directly or indirectly involved in almost every cellular response and health condition there is. It affects both the cardiovascular system and the immune system, as well as hormone function to nerve function. Nitric oxide is 1,000 times more powerful than any naturally occurring antioxidant in the body. Its antioxidant properties are particularly important for numerous body systems and may help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes, as well as slowing the aging process. It also benefits the cardiovascular system, by controlling blood pressure and reducing plaque formation through the increased production of nitric, which keeps arteries relaxed and pliable.

I will be holding screening clinics in the very near future in my area so watch for more info. If this technology can help even one person avoid a stroke or heart attack by giving them advance warning of what's going on in their body it will be worth it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The "Magic" of Nutrition

I just received my books and course material for my Holistic Nutritionist course and am SO EXCITED to get started! Nutrition is such a fascinating science because virtually every system in our body is effected by the "fuel" we put into it. It's becoming more and more apparent that even with the billions of dollars that governments put into health care our health isn't getting better. In fact, we are the sickest generation in history with childhood obesity and Type 2 Diabetes reaching epidemic levels. It's also been proven that things like ADHD, fibromyalgia and chronic fatique are linked to deficiencies in nutrition.

I truly believe we are experiencing a shift in our thinking, though. It seems that everyone I talk to is much more interested in "preventative" measures and the holistic approach to their wellness. It's so gratifying to talk to young people and realize that they are aware of and willing to take measures to feel better, naturally. They are going to the gym, being treated by massage therapists, attending yoga classes and watching what they eat. People my age are starting to realize that prescription drugs aren't always the best or only treatment for some of their health issues. I believe that prescription drugs have their place but, in many cases, they have led to increasing some of the problems we're currently experiencing like drug-resistant strains of bacteria and the emergence of "super-bugs". Prescriptions are generally meant to treat the symptoms not the cause so you may "feel" better but the underlying condition may still be present and might actually get worse.
Personally, I'm finding that it's easier to prevent health issues by eating healthier and being more aware of what's going into me than to have to address existing conditions. I'm looking forward to learning so much more about the "magic" of nutrition as it relates to our cellular function and will share my findings with you over the next few months. Part of my course has me completing several case studies as well so anyone interested in being "studied", let me know!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Courage to Choose Your "Road"

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost,"The Road Not Taken"

I remember learning this poem in elementary school and it has always struck a chord with me. Having the courage to choose the roads in your life that take you on YOUR journey will always bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment. It doesn't matter if not everyone is going down that road; you may find the road you choose is a bit bumpy and overgrown with obstacles; that other, smoother road may look a lot more inviting and easier to travel but if your heart's desire, your passion, is waiting at the end of that "less traveled" road it will all be worth it.

I am saying this because I am embarking on another "journey" that I'm very excited about. Over the past 10 months, because of my involvement with ForeverGreen and my consistent use of their products ( I have developed a passion for the science of nutrition and it is amazing to me how our bodies can be self-healing when they are fed proper nutrition. I have experienced this first-hand and have felt the results of how our body reacts when what goes into it is perfect food.

After my 28-Day Health Challenge (which ended today) I have NO MORE hot flashes; my skin is smoother and more elastic; I feel focused and positive; I have energy and just FEEL GOOD!

So, I am excited to say that I have enrolled with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. I want to learn all I can about how proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy, happy, productive life and, more importantly, I want to help others experience improvements to their health that will change their lives in ways they can't even imagine. When you feel good, everything else in your life gets better!

I'm looking forward to stretching my mind - it's been a while since I've "hit the books" - but I'm so glad to be following MY road. It will be an adventure, I'm sure.