Thursday, January 28, 2010

True Wealth is Health

"True Wealth is Health"....I just read that somewhere and it really resonated with me. All the money in the world doesn't mean much if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy it. I recently spent the better part of a month in and out of the hospital visiting a loved one and it reinforced my goal to try and remain as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Once you're hospitalized you really are at the mercy of the health system - overworked doctors and nurses, crowded hospitals, meds being pumped into you. Don't get me wrong, we are much more fortunate than many countries who don't have modern hospitals and, as Canadians, we enjoy (?) universal health care so no one can be turned away if they need medical help but I truly believe that we, as individuals, can be doing so much more to take care of OURSELVES. If we make better choices about what we eat; take the stairs or walk a few blocks to work; reduce the stress in our lives and quit relying on a pill to make us feel better, maybe, just maybe we can avoid ending up in a hospital emergency room with something that might have been prevented. Too many of today's ailments and illnesses aren't caused by an airborne germ or virus but by a generation of terrible eating habits, lack of daily exercise and too much stress in our lives.

The "good old days" may seem like a cliche but there were really a lot of GOOD aspects to the old days - things like growing your own food, physical labour everyday to get chores done, simple pleasures like visiting neighbours or going to townhall dances.

I must be getting older, I'm starting to sound like my mother!

Being in good health and feeling good makes everything else seem better even if you don't have a big bank account because having lots of money can't make you feel better if you have a headache every day or are dealing with other health issues like high blood pressure, depression, chronic pain or fatigue.

As the first generation in history whose children may not outlive us I believe we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and our families. We can do this by becoming smarter consumers, getting more active and educating ourselves. The good news is, none of that costs anything but it can make a huge "deposit" into your "health" savings.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A New Awareness

I can tell it's January with all of the people signing up for fitness classes, working out with the WiiFit they got for Christmas and making better decisions when buying groceries. I think organic food is going to be a HUGE market in the very near future. That's good news. And I've really noticed the "Baby Boomer" generation (of which I am a member) are less trusting of conventional medicine/prescriptions and turning to natural remedies that not only alleviate symptoms but work at alleviating the "cause" of the symptoms. But I've also noticed the younger generation becoming more health-conscious as well and that's REALLY good news! It's about time we realized that "pills" won't fix what's wrong with us - granted they may make us feel better for the short term (or maybe even the long term) but the side-effects of most prescription medications are frightening to say the least!!!
The key to this emerging "wellness" revolution is awareness - just being more aware of the foods & meds going into your mouth; exploring different treatments for ailments like headaches, colds...the common things - not just popping pills. I find myself being much more aware on a daily basis. I'm making better decisions when it comes to eating, buying groceries, even in my cooking. There are so many alternatives out there - we just have to be willing and open-minded enough to try things.
I've subscribed to and always find something new and interesting in that newsletter. I don't always take it as "gospel" but it gets me thinking and that's a good thing. I also take my ForeverGreen products daily ( and feel soooo much better than I did even 6 months ago. I was starting to feel old (before my time?) with aches, pains, tiredness and now I feel really good and have lost some weight too! Because I'm getting optimum nutrition on a daily basis my body is responding positively. It's a start! I'm hopeful that with increased awareness and sharing of information we can all make a real difference in turning around the sad state of our health and setting a better example for our children and grandchildren.