Friday, February 5, 2010

Back to Basics

Recently, a few of us were having a discussion about technology and how quickly it changes our world. It used to take decades for something to become obsolete - now it takes 3 or 4 years. Items like DVD players, CDs, land-line phones, newspapers, photo film, phone books, fax machines and even personal cheques are on the brink of becoming things of the past. We have started to "expect" change, depending on technology to make our lives faster, easier, even healthier. We've become slaves to technology and it's actually doing more harm to our health than we may realize.
Fast food, probably the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic, may appear to make our lives easier but, really, does it take that much longer to prepare a healthy meal? Or pack a lunch to take to work rather than grabbing a burger and fries? Food isn't "real" anymore. It's processed, genetically modified and preserved until there's nothing of nutritional value left in it. Even good old water has been "enhanced" to include flavours and minerals and additives that claim to be healthier for you - for a price. What was wrong with water that we had to "fix" it?

Inactivity is the other result of technology and contributor to our sad state of health. We drive everywhere. Our kids play video games, watch movies and spend all of their time "networking" with their friends on the computer or cellphones. And with all of these conveniences that claim to give us more time we still have no time.

One thing technology can't do is take away our "humaness". No matter what, we are blessed with a human body and brain that no amount of technology can replicate. But, here's the key....we have to take care of it and that means getting back to basics. For however long mankind has been around, our lifespan has been, for the most part, based on how well we fueled our bodies. Granted, at one time, it was also based on whether a sabre-toothed tiger got you but no matter how far back you go in history, health has been based on food and medicine found in nature. Plants, fruits, essential oils, spices - the nutritional and healing benefits of these are indisputable and amazing. And when you feel better you'll have the desire to be more active. You will have increased energy, mental alertness and a wonderful sense of well-being and won't be content anymore to sit in front the the T.V. and watch another rerun or "reality" show. You won't want to "waste" a minute of your renewed vitality.

That's what I find makes so much sense about the ForeverGreen products. These all-natural products work in sync with our bodies, giving them the nutritional and healing benefits of plant and fruit-derived ingredients including the amazing marine phytoplankton. Visit , click on any of the product brands on the left side and watch some of the video clips.
You can also visit and read testimonials from people who have enjoyed improved health and well-being by introducing these products into their daily lives.

Good, common-sense nutrition isn't rocket science and it may not be as sexy as the newest "gadget" on the market but it's been around forever and it's what we need to, not only survive but thrive.

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