Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I was cleaning out some closets recently because it feels like Spring is on the way. It occurred to me that when we throw out the old stuff that's cluttering our lives we should also clean out our kitchen cupboards/pantries. When we're feeling that sense of renewal and optimism for nicer weather on the way it's the perfect time to "clean" out the bad eating habits that are ruining our health and vitality.
I challenge each of you to go through those pantries and toss (or donate to a food bank if you can't stand waste) all of the pre-packaged, processed items and make a new shopping list to restock your cupboards with healthier choices.

I just got myself a "HeathMaster" emulsifier and love it! It looks like a blender but is like a blender on steroids! It's a surefire way to make sure we're getting more than our daily servings of fruits and veggies. And when I combine better eating habits with taking my daily ForeverGreen products I can honestly say I feel better than I have for years.

My whole attitude towards eating has changed and it wasn't hard to do. I didn't make the change overnight but over a few months by gradually introducing better food choices into our home. Now it's automatic.
So, clean out those pantries! Make a new grocery list and restock with healthier choices. You'll never regret it and will be rewarded by feeling good.

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