Monday, October 11, 2010

One Small Thing

Most people I talk to "get it" that they could improve their health by not eating junk food; cutting coffee, sugar, trans fats and additives out of their daily meals; exercising regularly and many other things but I think it's overwhelming to most of them as to where to start. They want instant results and try to change everything all at once and that's where they're setting themselves up for failure.
We've been brought up to look for the quick fix - relief in a pill or "program" - we just want to feel better and we want it NOW! But think about how long you've been doing all of the "wrong" things and realize that it's going to take some time to change those habits. When I look back over the last year and see what changes I've made, mostly in what I consume, I'm amazed not only by how much better I feel but by how many things I used to do that I don't do now- and I don't miss them. I also realize I have a long way to go. I know I have to give up my coffee (or at least cut it down dramatically); I have to be more physically active on a daily basis and I'm working on drinking those 8 glasses of water everyday.
I'm learning to be consistent in the things I have changed and am feeling so much better for having done that but I don't beat myself up when I don't accomplish other things (like kicking my caffeine habit or going for a walk everyday). Yes, it's hard to change. Yes, sometimes I slide backwards. But life is not static. Everyday is a new day to try again and be happy for even small accomplishments because when you look back over a month or a year and realize what you HAVE accomplished it's actually pretty amazing.
My advice to those wanting to make long-term health improvements would be, first and foremost, start small. I recently talked to an 83 year old man who, when told at age 80 that he had to lose weight if he wanted to live a longer life, completely cut sugar out of his diet. That's it. NO MORE SUGAR. One thing. Granted it was probably not easy to do but it was only ONE THING that he had to focus on. Just by doing that one thing he went on to lose over 100 lbs and is feeling better at 83 than he has for many years. As a result, he's more active, eats better overall and no longer has diabetes. So from that one thing he has gone on to make other positive changes and probably didn't even have to think about them.
How many people do you know who, at 80 years of age, would have bothered to make that change? Most would have said, "Oh well, I'm old anyway, what's the use?" My conversation with that gentleman has been my new motivation. It's never too late to improve your life, your health, your relationships and it can all be done by changing just ONE SMALL THING.

On another note, I just want to share some exciting news about a NEW product being released this month by ForeverGreen - just in time for flu season. It's called "ImmunEyes" and it contains Oil of Oregano, Virgin Coconut Oil and Marine Phytoplankton. The first two ingredients have been scientifically proven to be as effective as antibiotics at killing bacteria and pathogens like e. coli and staph. But ForeverGreen has taken it one step further and added the amazing nutritional benefits of the phytoplankton to make ImmunEyes a "safe" natural alternative to flu shots. You can check it out at:
Once again, Mother Nature has the solution to better health.

Until next week, "food" for thought.


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