Thursday, May 13, 2010

7 Days In....Feeling Good!

Well, Week One of my 28-Day FrequenSea Challenge is complete and here's what I have to report:

After the first day or so I experienced "cleansing"symptoms (you can figure it out!) Nothing uncomfortable though. Also, my energy level is great but my mental clarity is what I've really noticed - I feel clear-headed and focused all the time. And the other really cool thing is, my skin seems to be getting smoother! I keep looking at my hands because that's where I notice it the most - they seem a lot younger looking and seem to have a lot more elasticity. (Wish I would have taken "before" and "after" pictures of them). I also don't feel as hungry as I used to and don't seem to want to eat as much.

I didn't really have specific health issues going into this but the things I'm noticing are like "bonuses" - things I hadn't really thought about - that are making me feel and look better than I have in ten years. And I have to think that if it's having this effect on the outside it must be doing really great things on the inside.


It's gratifying to hear how often healthy living is becoming part of daily conversations - even the younger generation talk about reading ingredient labels in grocery stores, eating more fruits and vegetables, going to the gym (they've got me there - that's on my "To Do" list). I really think that we're on the brink of a full-blown "self-health" explosion and not a moment too soon. With childhood obesity hitting epidemic proportions and all of the health problems related to obesity- diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, gall stones, gout, osteoarthritis and asthma to name some, it's imperitive that everyone take responsibility for their own health and not depend on the health industry or government to do it for us. Besides, it feels good to know you're the one in control of your own well-being - after all, it is YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR future. I'm hopeful and excited that the next generation will be healthier and live longer while enjoying a fulfulling life.

Stay tuned for next week and enjoy the "finally Spring" weather.

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